Die Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (SGP) begrüßt die Wiederholung der Berlinwahl und wird mit einer eigenen Liste daran teilnehmen. So hat die Bevölkerung die Möglichkeit, gegen die verhasste Kriegspolitik und die soziale Verwüstung zu stimmen, die SPD, Linkspartei und Grüne rücksichtslos verfolgen. In dem Video umreißt Spitzenkandidat Christoph Vandreier die Grundzüge des Wahlkampfs. Lest hier das erste Statement zur Wahl und registriert Euch als aktive Unterstützer.
BBC pulls Gaza: How to Survive a Warzone following Zionist witch-hunt
The BBC’s pulling of Gaza: How to Survive a Warzone is part and parcel of its pro-Israel bias in its reporting.
Jean Shaoul•
The 75th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 1
Actress Tilda Swinton condemns “state-perpetrated and internationally enabled genocide” at Berlinale
In her vivid, at times poetic remarks, Swinton described the cinema as a boundless haven of freedom and solidarity, qualities increasingly difficult to find in the world.
Stefan Steinberg, Verena Nees•
24-hour general strike in Greece over pay and conditions; further strikes across Iran as workers protest collapse in living standards; sugar cane workers in Cameroon striking over pay face police violence
Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
Public sector workers and journalists in Greece in 24-hour walkout over pay and conditions; general strike across sectors in Iran, including workers in textiles, energy, telecommunications, transport as well as youth protesting collapse of infrastructure; sugar cane workers striking to demand their pay attacked by police, some shot dead
“I have never felt this sense of lacking oxygen that I feel here.”
Massive police intimidation of UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese in Berlin
Following the cancellation at short notice of her planned lecture at universities in Munich and Berlin, the UN Special Rapporteur for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, finally spoke in Berlin in a room organised at very short notice and under police surveillance.
Stefan Steinberg•
Ulaş Ateşçi•
Sybille Fuchs•
Barış Demir•
Matthew Brennan•