


Norway’s coalition government breaks down amid dispute over energy policy

All parties, from the far-right Progress to the Socialist Left and ex-Maoist Red Party, agree that Oslo must massively expand its military spending. While no expense will be spared on equipping Norway to serve as a junior partner of the imperialist powers, broad sections of the population confront high energy prices and a rising cost of living.

Jordan Shilton

Fall surge of COVID-19 begins across Northern Europe

A new wave of COVID-19 infections is beginning to accelerate across Northern Europe. With the prediction of a severe flu season, combining these deadly pathogens will significantly affect the population’s health.

Benjamin Mateus

Finland and Sweden prepare to join NATO

The ruling elites in both Scandinavian countries, which maintained formal neutrality after World War II, have seized on the Russian government’s reactionary invasion of Ukraine to overcome long-standing opposition among working people to the aggressive US-led military alliance.

Jordan Shilton

Sweden’s “herd immunity” policy produces disaster

Sweden’s response to the pandemic, which involved allowing schools and businesses to stay open while most of the world enacted lockdowns, was hailed as a model by all sections of the US and European political establishment.

Bryan Dyne

US-Russia tensions flare in Baltic Sea

Washington’s aggressive military build-up throughout Eastern Europe, in close collaboration with its NATO allies, has brought the entire region to the brink of war between nuclear powers.

Jordan Shilton