Washington has maintained a military presence on the island since World War II. The reemergence of Greenland as a major point of conflict between American imperialism and its former European allies proves that the same capitalist contradictions that gave rise to two world wars in the 20th century are resurging.
The Nordic countries in particular have long viewed close relations with Washington as fundamental to their military and security interests. But the breakdown in relations between America and Europe is having a major impact on these countries, which are responding by launching major rearmament programmes.
US imperialism has long viewed Greenland as critical for geopolitical and security reasons. Its Thule air base was a key operational centre for its ballistic missiles and served as a store for nuclear weapons during the Cold War.
As a rapidly developing Third World War engulfs the globe in flames, the Arctic and Arctic Ocean have become a major arena of conflict in the imperialist drive to re-divide the world.
Nominally “left” parties are seeing their support grow at the expense of the establishment right and far-right organisations, which currently hold power in Finland and Sweden.
The strike by Swedish mechanics is the first Tesla has ever confronted across global operations employing around 120,000 workers. Elon Musk, its billionaire owner, denounced the action stating last month on X, “This is insane.”
The deliveries are a concerted action by the leading imperialist powers—first and foremost the US—which are further escalating the confrontation with the nuclear power Russia.
The growth of the class struggle across the Nordic region and its breaking out of the corporatist mechanisms that have suppressed class tensions for decades is inseparable from the transformation of the entire region into a major front in the imperialist powers’ war on Russia.
The campaign to scrap the public holiday has gone hand-in-hand with a massive propaganda campaign to portray Denmark as under immediate threat from a Russian attack and therefore forced to arm itself to the teeth.
Sunday’s protest, the largest in Denmark for over a decade, is part of an upsurge of working-class opposition across Europe to the ruling elite’s determination to make them bear the cost of militarism and war through social spending cuts and attacks on wages and worker rights.
Frederiksen’s coalition has committed to increasing Denmark’s defence spending to 2 percent of GDP by 2030 rather than the 2033 deadline contained in an agreement between the Social Democrats and right-wing parties in March.
The Social Democrats’ overtures to the right are bound up with the recognition that the deeply unpopular policies the next Danish government must carry out need to be worked out behind the scenes and imposed with the aid of a strong parliamentary majority.
With her appeal to end “bloc politics,” Danish Prime Minister and Social Democrat leader Mette Frederiksen is laying the basis for a further lurch to the right of Denmark’s political system.
Copenhagen negotiated an “opt-out“ of EU defence policy in the early 1990s after voters rejected the Maastricht Treaty. The Social Democrat government’s push to join EU defence operations would integrate Danish troops with European forces and open up new possibilities for EU military activity in the Arctic.
Mass infection is now the official policy of every European government. To keep the economy running and profits flowing, those in power are prepared to sacrifice countless lives and the health of the next generation.
Like neighbouring Sweden, Denmark is emerging as one of the most ruthless proponents of a criminal herd immunity strategy that, unless opposed, plans to make mass infection and death a permanent feature of daily life.
Danish nurses continue one-hour wildcat strikes over pay and understaffing in defiance of unions and fines; French public transport workers’ strikes among bus drivers, coach drivers and rail workers over pay, conditions and privatisation; South African metal workers national pay strike in third week threatened as union moves towards company offer; Sunday stoppages by ScotRail workers, Scotland begun March continue to demand equal overtime rates with drivers
Social Democrat Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen said reopening schools is necessary so parents could get back to work and “get the economy going again.”
While the media has focused on Trump’s crude methods, underlying the proposal to buy Greenland is a deadly serious imperialist scramble for control of the Arctic.