


Control over Greenland: A long-standing goal of American imperialism

Washington has maintained a military presence on the island since World War II. The reemergence of Greenland as a major point of conflict between American imperialism and its former European allies proves that the same capitalist contradictions that gave rise to two world wars in the 20th century are resurging.

Jordan Shilton

Danish Social Democrats seek coalition with right-wing parties

The Social Democrats’ overtures to the right are bound up with the recognition that the deeply unpopular policies the next Danish government must carry out need to be worked out behind the scenes and imposed with the aid of a strong parliamentary majority.

Jordan Shilton

Europe’s governments go all in for “herd immunity”

Mass infection is now the official policy of every European government. To keep the economy running and profits flowing, those in power are prepared to sacrifice countless lives and the health of the next generation.

Peter Schwarz

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

Danish nurses continue one-hour wildcat strikes over pay and understaffing in defiance of unions and fines; French public transport workers’ strikes among bus drivers, coach drivers and rail workers over pay, conditions and privatisation; South African metal workers national pay strike in third week threatened as union moves towards company offer; Sunday stoppages by ScotRail workers, Scotland begun March continue to demand equal overtime rates with drivers