Australian government urges universities to comply with Trump regime’s research funding demands
With $600 million in research projects axed or threatened, Education Minister Jason Clare said the US could fund “whatever research it wants to fund.”
The Educators Rank-and-File Committee is an international network of educators, students, parents, and workers fighting for workers power in the schools, to stop the capitalist destruction of public education and eliminate COVID-19.
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With $600 million in research projects axed or threatened, Education Minister Jason Clare said the US could fund “whatever research it wants to fund.”
Thousands of California educators and support staff are expected to lose their jobs before the start of the 2025-2026 academic year more than 2,300 school employees received pink slips last week.
In falsifying history, the oligarchs in charge are attempting to erase any critical thoughts youth may have about American policy in the present, especially the massive growth in economic inequality, the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the ever-present threat of war against China, Iran and Russia.
Trump claims he is speaking for millions of parents supposedly clamoring for education to be “run by the states.” The reality is he represents a filthy rich oligarchy that wants to privatize schools and transfer billions from public coffers to Wall Street.
Our wage dispute has taken on a new significance in recent weeks. In the face of rapid political changes, the wage struggle is developing into a power struggle.
The following statement was written by a founding member of the Costco Workers Rank-and-File Committee (CWRFC) to be read at Sunday’s public meeting called by the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees, “Mobilize the working class to save the US Postal Service and other federal programs!”
The CFPE calls on teachers and school workers to join our ranks to fight for decent conditions and wages for all educators, and a public education system that provides the highest quality schooling for all students.
Attendees at meeting called by the US Postal Workers Rank-and-File committee passed a resolution calling on workers to make preparations for “mass resistance, up to and including strike action.”
“Rank-and-file” is originally a military term. It refers to the lower “ranks” of soldiers, who literally stand in lines or “files”. These soldiers have a different set of interests in preserving their lives than the officers or “brass” who prosecute the wars on behalf of the ruling elite.
Rank-and-file committees are of, by and for the rank-and-file workers, who have a different set of interests in preserving their lives than management, the bosses, the politicians, and the trade union apparatus, who send workers to die while defending the profits of the ruling elite.
Yes. The formation of rank-and-file committees is 100% completely legal under the First Amendment to the US Constitution.
The right to freedom of speech means you can say whatever you like about what you agree or disagree with. Freedom of association, also covered under the first amendment, means you have the right to associate with others who share your views, for political ends. You also have the right to petition the government for redress, to make demands on the government and tell them what you want them to do.
No. HIPAA has an exception for disclosures to prevent and control the spread of disease, but the state is deliberately not invoking this exception in order to conceal information from workers, so that they can pretend that what they are doing is safe when it’s not.
Rank-and-file educators have the right to know who’s gotten sick, where, when, and what happened. Rank-and-file committees have to demand this information, and have to share it with other workers as a matter of collective self defense.