
ONLINE MEETING SUNDAY: Mobilize the working class to save the US Postal Service and other federal programs!

The International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees and the US Postal Service Workers Rank-and-File Committee are holding an online public meeting this Sunday, February 23. Click here to register for the event.

A U.S. Postal Service employee works outside a post office in Wheeling, Illinois. [AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh]

This week, the struggle to defend the United States Postal Service reached a new stage when a sellout city letter carriers’ contract, which workers rejected by more than a 2 to 1 margin, was sent to binding arbitration. This means that a new concessions contract, nearly identical or even worse than the one workers rejected, would be enforced without even allowing postal workers a vote.

If this is allowed to happen, this could well be the last round of contracts in which USPS is a public entity. The Trump administration, in league with fascist billionaire Elon Musk, is on a rampage, firing tens of thousands of federal workers and closing down whole government agencies in order to free up money for Wall Street and for war. Now they are setting their sights on the US Postal Service, which they aim to privatize and sell off to oligarchs like Jeff Bezos.

Trump is attempting to establish himself as a dictator. The attacks on federal workers are part of a broader attack on the social and democratic rights of workers across the country, particularly including immigrant workers. The response of the union bureaucracy, including the postal and federal employees unions, has been either total silence or outright collaboration. This means that a movement must be built which combines the fight against Trump’s policies with a fight against the sellout union apparatus.

A massive showdown between the working class and Trump and the oligarchy is brewing. The USPS Workers Rank-and-File Committee, in alliance with the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees calls for mass, coordinated action by the working class, on a national and international scale, to defeat Trump and the oligarchy’s drive towards dictatorship. The status of USPS and other government services on which tens of millions rely can only be protected through an independent fight by the working class.

Join postal workers, federal employees, autoworkers, postal workers from other countries, and others in an online meeting this Sunday at 3 p.m. Eastern/12 p.m. Pacific to discuss a strategy to fight back.