United States



Letter from an Italian postal worker

“I write to you from Rome, Italy, where we postal workers have already lived through the catastrophe that now looms over you in the United States: privatization. I write not only in solidarity but in warning, so that you may learn from our painful experience and resist this assault with the full strength of an organized working class.”

Francesca, a postal worker in Italy

Control over Greenland: A long-standing goal of American imperialism

Washington has maintained a military presence on the island since World War II. The reemergence of Greenland as a major point of conflict between American imperialism and its former European allies proves that the same capitalist contradictions that gave rise to two world wars in the 20th century are resurging.

Jordan Shilton

How American imperialism plots wars of aggression

The revelation of the Trump administration's plot to attack Yemen gives a glimpse of how America's wars of aggression are prepared, packaged, launched, and fraudulently justified.

Andre Damon