In this interview with Austrian journalist Josef Mühlbauer, WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North speaks on the historical foundations of Trotskyism, the program of the International Committee of the Fourth International, and the fundamental problems confronting the working class in the fight for equality and socialism.
Reject UAW’s support for Trump’s tariffs! Unite US, Mexican and Canadian autoworkers to defend jobs and living standards!
Shawn Fain lied when he and the UAW apparatus backed Harris and the Democrats, claiming that they were allies of workers. Now he is lying when he claims that Trump’s tariffs will benefit the working class.
Erdoğan government's wave of repression continues amid growing wildcat strikes
In order to intimidate the social opposition, the Turkish government is trying to criminalise workers' struggles and support for them, while at the same time trying to show legal political organisations as an extension of a "terrorist organisation".
Federal judge orders UAW to stop obstructing ongoing investigation into corruption within Fain administration
On Monday, federal judge David Lawson of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan ordered the UAW to produce records and documents the union had been withholding in an effort to block an investigation into ongoing corruption within the UAW bureaucracy presently led by UAW President Shawn Fain.
Socialist autoworker Will Lehman’s message to Boeing strikers: Build rank-and-file committees to take control of your fight from the IAM bureaucrats!
“You need organizations which you control, to transfer power from corrupt officials in bed with management to the 33,000 IAM members at Boeing, as well as the company’s global workforce.”