
WSWS online meeting

Capitalism versus socialism: The pandemic and the global class struggle

On Sunday, February 7, the WSWS hosted an online meeting entitled, “Capitalism vs. Socialism: The pandemic and the global class struggle.”

The speakers were SEP (US) National Secretary Joseph Kishore, SEP (US) National Chairman and WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North, WSWS writers and leading SEP (US) members Patrick Martin and Andre Damon, Johannes Stern, a leading member of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei in Germany, and Tomas Castanheira, a member of the Socialist Equality Group in Brazil.

The participants reviewed the critical political, historical and programmatic issues for workers in fighting against the homicidal policies of the ruling elite against the coronavirus pandemic, and the sharp turn towards fascism, authoritarianism and dictatorship by governments around the world, from the US to Germany and Brazil.

Capitalism versus socialism: The pandemic and the global class struggle