
Award-winning journalist Chris Hedges endorses Free Assange demonstrations in Australia

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author, lecturer and political commentator Chris Hedges has issued the following statement supporting the demonstrations called by the Socialist Equality Party (Australia) in Sydney on March 3 and Melbourne on March 10 to demand the freedom of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange.

 Hedges has actively opposed the persecution of Assange and the sweeping censorship of independent and critical internet-based media such as the WSWS, Truthdig and other anti-war and anti-imperialist publications.


It is imperative that we pressure the Australian government to make sure its citizen, Julian Assange, is protected from the lawlessness of the American empire. He has not been charged with a crime. He cannot, under international and American law, be kidnapped and taken to the United States and put on trial for his work as a publisher. I implore everyone who can, to attend the two rallies being organized in Australia demanding that the Australian government secure the freedom and safe passage home of Julian.

His fight ultimately is ours.

Chris Hedges

February 15, 2019