
D’Artagnan Collier end-of-election meeting in Detroit

No to bankruptcy! Mobilize the working class against the bankers dictatorship!

The campaign of D’Artagnan Collier, the Socialist Equality Party’s candidate for Detroit mayor, is holding an end-of-election meeting on Sunday, August 4, at Wayne State University. The SEP calls on all workers and youth—in Detroit and throughout the area—who are seeking to fight the bankruptcy to make plans to attend today.

The largest municipal bankruptcy filing in US history paves the way for sharp cuts in pensions and health care benefits of municipal workers, the further slashing of essential services in the already devastated industrial city and the selling off of public assets to pay the banks and large bond holders that hold the city’s debt. What is happening in Detroit will be used as a model for a similar agenda in cities throughout the country and internationally.

Bankruptcy is the outcome of deliberate policies of both parties, at the local, state and national levels, acting on behalf of a small layer of the corporate and financial elite. While handing over trillions to the Wall Street banks, the Obama administration has rejected any measures to bail out Detroit or other threatened state and municipal governments.

The working class must fight back! There is no time to lose! The SEP calls on workers and young people to support Collier’s campaign as part of the fight to mobilize the entire working class against the emergency manager and the bankers’ dictatorship in Detroit.

Committees of action must be formed in every workplace, neighborhood and community by workers, retirees and youth, independent of the Democrats, Republicans and trade unions. Opposition, including demonstrations and industrial action, must prepared and organized.

What is needed above all is a new political perspective. At the meeting, Collier and other members of the SEP will explain the socialist answer to the bankruptcy of Detroit.

Meeting Details:

Sunday, August 4, 2:00 p.m.
Wayne State University
General Lectures 100

Corner of Warren Avenue and Anthony Wayne Dr. (3rd St.) Map
For more information on the SEP campaign, visit detroit.socialequality.com
