The 2017 Grenfell Tower fire in London
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Grenfell Tower to be dismantled: Why is there still no justice?

The plan to deflect and contain workers’ demands for justice with a public inquiry could never have gotten off the ground had it not been for the Labour Party, particularly its then leader Jeremy Corbyn and prominent local MP Emma Dent Coad, who insisted there was no alternative.

Robert Stevens

Grenfell Tower fire public inquiry delivers its final whitewash

The victims of Grenfell Tower died as the result of an act of social murder whose architects were companies aiming to cut costs in their refurbishment of the 24-storey building. Their accomplices were successive Conservative and Labour governments.

Robert Stevens

Fire destroys east London tower block with Grenfell-type flammable cladding

It soon emerged that the reason for the rapid spread of the fire was that two floors were covered in similar flammable cladding to that which caused the Grenfell Tower inferno in 2017, which took the lives of 72 people in an act of social murder carried out by the authorities.

Michael Barnes

UK firefighters voting for first national strike since 2003

Firefighters and fire service control staff across the UK, members of the Fire Brigade Union (FBU) are currently voting on whether to take strike action in pursuit of a pay claim. Firefighters and control staff are being offered a sub inflation pay cut offer of five percent. The last national firefighters strikes was in 2003.

Steve James

Many UK schools structurally unsound, posing danger to life

The Office of Government Property issued a “Safety Briefing Notice” in September warning of the potential dangers of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete in buildings which is “life-expired and liable to collapse”.

Margot Miller

Fire official warned of cladding facade danger weeks before Grenfell fire

Whatever shortcomings on the part of the London Fire Brigade, the efforts of the inquiry to scapegoat them after their budgets had been cut to the bone, faced with a criminally-unsafe building in which many in corporate and political circles had conspired to save money and maximize profits, is filthy.

Charles Hixson