Five years since the poisoning of Flint’s water supply: Part one
This is the first of a two-part series drawing a balance sheet of five years of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.
This is the first of a two-part series drawing a balance sheet of five years of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.
A 138-page report on the Flint water crisis delivered on February 7 covers up the class issues in the poisoning of the city.
The first part of our series profiling the major figures behind the crisis focuses on those who laid the groundwork for the switch from the treated Lake Huron water supplied by Detroit.
Few Flint residents believe the claims of the governor and mayor that the 30-year deal to buy water from Detroit is motivated by concerns for the people of Flint. But what are the real issues behind the legal conflict with the City Council?
Ten years after the disastrous switch of the city of 100,000's water supply it is more than apparent that this was a bipartisan crime in which the Obama Administration’s policies played a central role.
Recent study finds that close to 70 percent of children under six in Chicago are exposed to lead in their tap water. Studies conducted on blood lead levels and children have demonstrated there is no level of lead, a known neurotoxin, that can be deemed safe.
The Flint school board is stonewalling teachers’ demands instead offering to renegotiate an existing settlement to force through further budget cuts. For its part, the union has refused to honor the teachers’ strike vote and is participating in talks.
Teachers have faced years of poverty wages and struggle with inadequate resources to help students in the city made infamous for its lead-laced water.
Classes in Flint were cancelled Wednesday after 119 teachers called in sick after their contract, which included the first pay raises in years, was unilaterally abrogated.
The United Teachers of Flint has not called a strike vote, instead calling for closing schools and selling buildings.
Following the rejection of its appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court, state prosecutors declared an end to the effort to hold former Governor Rick Snyder and others to account for the lead poisoning of the working class city of 100,000.
The report recommends that the Biden administration “remove barriers to privatization, concessions, and other nontraditional models of funding community water systems.”
The quick judgment against Samantha is a stark contrast with the failure to prosecute anyone associated with the poisoning of Flint's water in 2014.
With Michigan under Democratic Party control for the first time in 40 years, the new budget enshrines billions for big business, no relief for workers.
The WSWS recently spoke to workers from Flint about the comparison of the disastrous derailment in eastern Ohio and the ongoing Flint water crisis which was set into motion nearly nine years ago.
The dismissal of the charges against Snyder essentially shuts the door on the prosecution of those responsible for a massive social crime, which resulted in at least 100 deaths, countless miscarriages, emotional and mental developmental problems in tens of thousands of children and countless lifelong illnesses.
Genesee Circuit Judge Elizabeth Kelly had been expected to dismiss the charges after the Michigan Supreme Court ruled in July that the indictments had been arrived at improperly.
Residents have every right to remain skeptical about the investigation’s results, especially given the record of the company responsible for the spill, as well as the role played by state officials in past water safety disasters.
A 10-foot wide water tunnel connecting the northeastern suburbs of Detroit to the Great Lakes Water Authority intake facility at Lake Huron failed on Saturday, prompting Michigan Governor Whitmer to declare a state of emergency a day later.
The repeated episodes of water poisoning across Michigan are crimes of capitalism, which prioritizes profit over the well-being, health and safety of the population.
Over two years after three dam failures in Central Michigan, those responsible walk free while thousands of residents remain scarred by the damage.
The decision by government officials, Democratic and Republican alike, to switch to using the toxic Flint River in 2014 without adding anti-corrosion treatment was, until the COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest public health catastrophe in US history.
The children of Flint, Michigan—the birthplace of General Motors which once boasted the highest per capita income in the US--have been doubly victimized by lead poisoning and Covid. An educator recounts her experiences to the WSWS.
Ed, a retired auto worker, and Tammy, a retired care worker, have been “living with” COVID-19 for two years, and they’ve had enough.