Biden climate summit offers empty spectacle
The two-day event that began Thursday underscored the reality that there is no solution to global warming and climate change within the framework of capitalism.
The two-day event that began Thursday underscored the reality that there is no solution to global warming and climate change within the framework of capitalism.
Even if Biden gets everything he asks for, his plan will be totally insufficient to meet its target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Far from fostering the international collaboration that would be required to reverse climate change, capitalist society is increasingly characterized by xenophobia, international conflict and war.
Thousands of school students denounced the Labour Party-led government’s continued refusal to address the threat of catastrophic climate change.
Young people are organising across national boundaries in recognition that climate change has global causes and global consequences. In doing so, they are meeting up with an international resurgence of the class struggle.
The elderly, disabled and poor needlessly suffered after losing power without warning for days on end during extreme winter weather.
The new tally is almost twice as high as previously reported. It surpasses the death toll from Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and is expected to grow even higher.
The WSWS interviewed Professor Bea, who has investigated more than 630 major accidents involving complex engineered systems, from his home in California last week.
Environmental scientists and advocates have pointed to the devastating effects of deforestation from palm oil and mining operations that have contributed to flooding and landslides.
The migrants are escaping the destruction of their homes and livelihoods by back-to-back, record-setting storms that have left more than 400,000 Hondurans and Guatemalans living in shelters.
The wave of melioidosis infections has been exacerbated by poverty and the increasing severity of storms and floods resulting from climate change.
Edison prioritized profits over maintenance and fire prevention, endangering lives and communities.
The period for peak tornadoes seems to be moving earlier in the year, as a result of climate change.
A massive dust wall towering thousands of feet and spanning over a 1,000-mile front swept across the American Southwest causing haze over the large population centers of Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio.
The first cyclone in 50 years to cross the southeast coast of Australia still carries risks of intense rainfall and flooding, stretching inland from the battered coastline.
The rapid spread of the wildfire in Ofunato was caused by both government neglect and the worsening of climate change around the world.
The “Stand Up for Science” protests taking place today mark a significant development in the growing opposition to the fascistic Trump administration.
A recent report from Apollo Global Management estimated that 300,000 federal workers would be fired in the coming weeks, leading to an additional 600,000 contractors losing their jobs.
Hundreds of people were displaced and thousands more impacted, especially in working-class areas, as the result of record rainfalls.
Flood threats remained in effect across Kentucky on Monday following heavy rainfall and snowmelt that devastated communities and killed at least 12 people, including a mother and her 7-year-old child.
At the peak of the “storm of the century” 750,000 premises in the Republic of Ireland and 250,000 in Northern Ireland had no power.
Thousands of people have been affected by the extreme floods, as the Labor Government continues to fund and approve fossil fuel projects that will exacerbate climate change disasters.
It is the rich and the corporations who will take the lion’s share of the benefits from Labour’s and all airport expansions, while the poorest around the world pay the costs.
The crisis facing the LA Fire Department is a microcosm of the broader contradictions of capitalism. It highlights the urgent need for a socialist program that prioritizes public welfare over private profit.
Trump’s presence in North Carolina and California signals his administration’s push towards the privatization of disaster response, further erosion of environmental programs and the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of voting people.
Deadly low temperatures and snowstorms across much of the entire US reached into Southern US Gulf states on Tuesday and Wednesday, bringing areas of Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida to a standstill and killing at least 10 people.
Santa Clarita, the area affected by the Hughes Fire, is a densely populated community predominantly comprising workers and middle-class families.
Southern California, in addition to being a center of the film and television industry, is a major focal point of cultural creation and exhibition. It is also home to remarkable recreational sites, tourist attractions and parks.
The Palisades and Eaton fires, which continue to ravage large parts of Southern California, serve as stark reminders of the systemic failures in disaster management under capitalism.
The future for most people devastated by the fires is a difficult one.