The fight against Trump’s bid for dictatorship must be combined with a fight to free the working class from the grip of the corrupt union officials and the Democratic Party, who are complicit in Trump’s attacks on the working class.
Sanders' rebuttal to Trump sought to cover up the essential agreement of the Democratic Party with Trump’s social austerity policies and attacks on democratic rights.
The mass movement over Tempi developed in direct opposition to all the major parties, with demonstrations featuring banners reading “Syriza, PASOK, ND [New Democracy]—Tempi has a history”, and largely outside of the structures of the trade unions.
In an effort to divert the mounting opposition from workers and young people to the fascistic policies of the Trump administration, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has launched a speaking tour urging them to lobby moderate Republicans.
In a revealing interview in The Nation, Sanders praised the anti-immigrant, warmongering campaign of Nebraska’s Dan Osborn, who promoted Trump’s “America First” program.
The resolutions, advanced by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, were aimed at providing cover for the absolute support of American imperialism and the Democratic Party for the Gaza genocide.
When did Sanders reach this epiphany? Since running for president in 2016, the “democratic socialist” from Vermont has used left phraseology to cover for the Democrats’ right-wing agenda while at the same time rallying his supporters behind the viciously anti-worker presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Of all the stage acts in the Democratic Party’s 200-year-old playbill of political deception, perhaps the most hackneyed is the sleight of hand the party conducts at election time to paint its candidates as progressives, even as they move ever farther to the right.
The role of the Democratic Socialists of America and DSA-backed candidates in defending the pro-capitalist and imperialist policies of the Democratic Party has emerged as a significant element of the Democratic National Convention.
For the third presidential election cycle in a row, the Vermont senator is doing everything in his power to hoodwink workers and youth into backing the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.
The tiny crowd for Saturday’s rally is of objective significance. The “left” face of the Democratic Party stands exposed in the minds of millions as supporters of genocide and war.
In a fawning podcast, aimed at propping up the Democratic Party, Biden’s election and the trade union apparatus, Sanders praised Fain for all of his “success” while Fain hailed Biden’s “lifetime” of “serving people, serving others.”
Students at University College Dublin protested the visit of the former Democratic Party speaker of the US House of Representatives who had been invited to receive an honorary degree.
Sanders’s reputation as a “left” and his ability to act as a shield and apologist for the Democratic Party has been massively discredited by his pro-Israeli stand.
From the beginning of the Israeli onslaught against Gaza, Sanders has promoted the propaganda line of Tel Aviv and Washington that Israel’s campaign of mass murder is a defensive response to the armed incursion of Hamas last October 7. He is now providing a similar service for the war criminals in Washington in relation to their illegal attack on Yemen.
At a field hearing of a Senate committee, Sanders sought to bolster the United Steelworkers apparatus which is isolating striking nurses at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.