Testifying in a pretrial hearing, a doctor who devised CIA “enhanced interrogation” techniques such as “waterboarding” and “walling,” and was paid $81 million under a Pentagon contract, defended the procedures.
The film expresses the broadly felt suspicion in the population—at that time and even more so today—that there is something sinister and rotten in the American state.
The five men were abducted shortly after the 9/11 attacks under the pseudo-legal provisions of the “war on terror” legislation passed by Congress. This legislation sanctioned the “rendition” of “enemy combatants” anywhere in the world, including citizens of the US, and their indefinite detention, without formal charges or a trial, at CIA sites and military facilities, where they were subjected to “enhanced interrogation,” i.e., torture.
In the film’s opening, John Goetz argues that “it’s a David and Goliath story … the whole weight and power of the American government focused against one individual.”
The seamless marriage of identity politics and US imperialism is a devastating exposure of the real reactionary content of politics based on race, gender and sexuality.
The action thriller follows an assassin in a secret CIA program as he attempts to uncover high-level wrongdoing, rescue a young girl and preserve his own life.
One of the psychiatrists who waterboarded detainee Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri testified that Gina Haspel, who later became director of the CIA, observed the torture sessions.
Under the authority of an executive order signed by President Reagan in 1981, the CIA has been gathering, storing and analyzing data on US citizens for decades without any oversight.
The condemnation by the jurors of Khan's torture underscores the utter criminality of the Bush administration’s “rendition” and “enhanced interrogation” programs, for which no senior officials have been held criminally liable.
Khan spent two hours before a jury of US military officers reading out a 36-page document that cataloged atrocities approved and applied in the name of “enhanced interrogation techniques.”
Over the weekend, the New York Times published an editorial calling China the world’s leading purveyor of “transnational repression,” based entirely on a report produced under the supervision of a war criminal.
The intelligence agency’s promotion of intersectionality and critical race theory is a testament to the reactionary anti-Marxist character of identity politics.
According to Politico, Ocasio-Cortez donated $160,000 to 32 “frontline” Democrats, a list that includes many prominent “CIA Democrats,” former representatives of the Pentagon and intelligence agencies.
With four decades as a diplomatic point man for US imperialism, Burns has been pivotal in regime-change operations and the consolidation of pro-US dictatorships.
“The publication of that video and those words was the equivalent of the death of George Floyd and his words ‘I can’t breathe’. They had a profound effect on public opinion in the world.”