2016 US presidential campaign
Romney pullout gives Bush advantage in Republican money race
Lack of support among Republican fundraisers pushed Romney out of the race, with many of them backing former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
Lack of support among Republican fundraisers pushed Romney out of the race, with many of them backing former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
On Election Day, Michigan voted overwhelmingly to reject Proposal 2, a union-backed constitutional initiative promoted as a measure to defend collective bargaining rights.
Even the most optimistic analysts admit that the proposition’s passage will not in any meaningful way increase public education funding.
The hour-long meeting at the White House was the first act in a carefully orchestrated campaign to convince the public that unprecedented social cuts are the only alternative to economic disaster in the form of the “fiscal cliff.”
With the US elections out of the way, the American ruling class is moving with remarkable speed to implement a deeply unpopular agenda.
In his first public statement since election night, Barack Obama said Friday that his main priority in the coming months will be to slash the federal budget deficit.
The results demonstrate political crisis and dwindling popular support for both parties.
With the US elections out of the way, business leaders are declaring their support for Obama in the campaign to lower corporate taxes and slash federally guaranteed health care and retiree benefits.
The full depth of reaction emerges when the Nation turns its fixation on race and gender to the subject of white people.
While the complete details of Tuesday’s vote have yet to be tallied, an initial analysis reveals an electorate that is increasingly alienated from the entire two-party political system.
Obama will repay those who voted for him by carrying out measures that will devastate their jobs, living standards and social conditions.
As the 2012 presidential election campaign heads toward its ignominious conclusion, the right-wing and anti-democratic character of the entire process is becoming ever more clear.
The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune have all endorsed Obama as the best candidate to impose major cuts in social spending.
The ISO operates as an advocacy group in and around the Democratic Party, seeking to improve opportunities for the middle class social layers for which it speaks.