The British Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn



Grenfell Tower to be dismantled: Why is there still no justice?

The plan to deflect and contain workers’ demands for justice with a public inquiry could never have gotten off the ground had it not been for the Labour Party, particularly its then leader Jeremy Corbyn and prominent local MP Emma Dent Coad, who insisted there was no alternative.

Robert Stevens

Corbynites moot new party

The right-wing evolution of Labour into such a naked party of big business and imperialist war was not reversed by Corbyn’s leadership and cannot be answered by the formation of what would essentially be a Labour Party Mark II.

Chris Marsden

Labour government is “going to be painful” for workers, says Starmer

I stood as the Socialist Equality Party’s candidate for Holborn and St Pancras against Starmer to warn that Labour would be a government of war and social reaction, taking on the role forfeited in the ruling class’s eyes by a fractious, incompetent Tory government.

Thomas Scripps

Mass protests erupt against UK’s far-right: The way forward

There can be no successful struggle against the far-right danger that does not base itself on the fight to mobilise the entire working class against the ruling capitalist class and the war and austerity agenda of its Labour government.

Chris Marsden

Jeremy Corbyn comes out firmly against a break with Starmer’s Labour Party

Corbyn will not lead a movement against the Labour government. He will support it, while making the occasional criticism to supposedly pressure it to the left. But the Labour Party is impervious to such pressure, functioning as the unalloyed representative of the financial oligarchy and of British imperialism.

Chris Marsden

SEP (UK) candidate Tom Scripps speaks at Palestine Solidarity Campaign hustings

Scripps explained that he would be presenting “my party’s programme, not simply for Holborn and St Pancras, not simply for the election, but for the international working class and oppressed peoples of the world in a period of history characterised by the descent into war, genocide, poverty and dictatorship.”

Our reporters

The bogus African National Congress-derived political credentials of Andrew Feinstein—Part 1

Feinstein’s political credentials stand or fall firstly on his membership of the African National Congress during the struggle against apartheid, and secondly on his role as a crusader against corruption that began with him opposing an ANC arms deal involving high level government corruption, the political basis for which he offers no explanation.

Jean Shaoul