“Gerry Healy fought against all odds for the continuity of the Fourth International”
This contribution was delivered by veteran Trotskyist Barbara Slaughter to the Socialist Equality Party (UK)'s Seventh National Congress
This contribution was delivered by veteran Trotskyist Barbara Slaughter to the Socialist Equality Party (UK)'s Seventh National Congress
We are publishing the speech introducing the resolution “War, the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party” at the Seventh National Congress of the SEP (UK) given by Tom Scripps, its assistant national secretary. The resolution was passed unanimously. Scripps was re-elected to his position by the Congress.
We are publishing the opening report delivered to the Seventh National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK) by Chris Marsden, its National Secretary. Marsden was re-elected to his position by the Congress, held November 29-December 2, 2024.
We are publishing the speech delivered by Tom Scripps introducing the resolution “Free Bogdan Syrotiuk” passed unanimously at the Seventh Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK).
The congress unanimously passed two resolutions, “War, the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party” and “Free Bogdan Syrotiuk!”, after extensive and engaged discussion. All delegates spoke with the evident benefit of the last two years of intense political activity and theoretical education.
This resolution was passed unanimously at the Seventh Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), held November 29--December 2.
His speech did more than regurgitate the Thatcherite nostrums of Tony Blair’s New Labour. It confirmed that there is no limit to the lurch rightwards of Starmer’s declared “party of NATO”, of Zionism and the most “business friendly government” in British history.
This essay is devoted to a detailed review of Gerry Healy’s family background and youth, based on research conducted in Ireland, including visits to the relevant archives in Dublin and in Galway where the Healy family lived.
Keir Starmer owes his “landslide” victory entirely to the hatred of the Tories, the thoroughly undemocratic first-past-the-post system, and the fact that widespread left-wing sentiment has found no organised socialist expression.
Joseph Kishore and Thomas Scripps visited the grave of Karl Marx in Highgate Cemetery, London this week.
Scripps explained that he would be presenting “my party’s programme, not simply for Holborn and St Pancras, not simply for the election, but for the international working class and oppressed peoples of the world in a period of history characterised by the descent into war, genocide, poverty and dictatorship.”
WSWS reporters spoke to some of those in attendance on their response to the Socialist Equality Party (UK) general election rally held in London on Sunday.
The meeting’s platform featured many of the principal leaders of the party that the working class needs in the battles ahead—the International Committee of the Fourth International, the world party of socialist revolution founded by Leon Trotsky.
Feinstein wants workers in Britain to repeat, under a rerun of Corbyn’s disastrous leadership of the Labour Party, the bitter experience of creating “broad left” formations such as Syriza in Greece that sabotaged the struggle against International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union dictated austerity.
The event was billed as “an important democratic opportunity for voters to understand their local candidates’ views on climate change and the environment.” The SEP was never informed of the hustings and Zero Hour did not openly announce that certain candidates had been excluded.
Teachers in the UK must prepare to take on Labour as it prepares to take office. This requires a break from the trade union bureaucracy whose function, in order to secure their privileged existence, is to block the development of a struggle in defence of educators’ independent interests.
Apart from a passing reference by the Scottish National Party to ceasefire calls, Paxton was the only candidate to even mention Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and the rapidly escalating war in Ukraine against Russia.
Campaign teams for SEP parliamentary candidate Darren Paxton have held many conversations around Inverness on the Gaza genocide, the danger of war and the shift to the right in official politics
“We have to fight the capitalist ruling class which is waging the war against the Palestinians, and now they’re trying to attack Iran and Russia.”
US Presidential candidate Joseph Kishore and leading European Trotskyists Alex Lantier and Christoph Vandreier will join SEP candidates Tom Scripps and Darren Paxton to discuss the international struggle against capitalism, genocide and war and for socialism.