Socialist Equality Party (Britain)



Seventh Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

Introduction by Thomas Scripps to resolution “War, the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party”

We are publishing the speech introducing the resolution “War, the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party” at the Seventh National Congress of the SEP (UK) given by Tom Scripps, its assistant national secretary. The resolution was passed unanimously. Scripps was re-elected to his position by the Congress.

Thomas Scripps

Socialist Equality Party (UK) holds its Seventh National Congress

The congress unanimously passed two resolutions, “War, the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party” and “Free Bogdan Syrotiuk!”, after extensive and engaged discussion. All delegates spoke with the evident benefit of the last two years of intense political activity and theoretical education.

Thomas Scripps

Starmer pledges UK Labour government to “drain the swamp”

His speech did more than regurgitate the Thatcherite nostrums of Tony Blair’s New Labour. It confirmed that there is no limit to the lurch rightwards of Starmer’s declared “party of NATO”, of Zionism and the most “business friendly government” in British history.

Robert Stevens

SEP (UK) candidate Tom Scripps speaks at Palestine Solidarity Campaign hustings

Scripps explained that he would be presenting “my party’s programme, not simply for Holborn and St Pancras, not simply for the election, but for the international working class and oppressed peoples of the world in a period of history characterised by the descent into war, genocide, poverty and dictatorship.”

Our reporters

Why is the Socialist Equality Party standing against Andrew Feinstein?

Feinstein wants workers in Britain to repeat, under a rerun of Corbyn’s disastrous leadership of the Labour Party, the bitter experience of creating “broad left” formations such as Syriza in Greece that sabotaged the struggle against International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union dictated austerity.

Thomas Scripps, Chris Marsden