The Sri Lankan Civil War 1983-2009



Sri Lanka: Jaffna University Student Union’s silence on Gaza war

The silence on the Gaza massacre in an indictment not only of the student union but of the associated Tamil nationalist parties that beg for the US—the Zionist regime’s chief backer—to support their calls for greater powers in Sri Lanka.

Naveen Dewage

Twelve years since the end of Sri Lanka’s communal war

The military and its brutal methods used during the war are now being prepared for use against the working class as unrest grows over the worsening social conditions facing working people.

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lankan government tightens censorship

Sri Lanka's People Alliance government has imposed a new censorship regime aimed at suppressing information that contradicts government reports on the war with the LTTE and blacking out news of military or police action against civilian dissent.

Keith Jones