This Week in History



This week in history: March 17-23

Uganda cult massacre; trial of Baader-Meinhof group; Belgium government collapses; British fascists seize Communist Party leader

This week in history: March 10-16

NYC police murder Patrick Dorismond; Vietnamese NLF captures Ban Me Thuot; Israel adopts law to expropriate Palestinian refugees; Nazi assassinates Austrian Jewish writer

This week in history: March 3-9

Film documents Iraqi child deaths; Israeli slaughter at Savoy Hotel; US coal miners strike ends; Britain bombs Pashtun tribesmen

This week in history: February 17-23

Mass protest against neo-fascists in Austria; Wildcat strike by Youngstown steelworkers; Egypt, Israel agree on Gaza border; Chinese emperor relocated by Japan

This week in history: February 3-9

Sri Lankan civil war; mass evacuation in Haicheng earthquake; McCarthy gives first anti-communist speech; Nepal abolishes slavery

This week in history, January 27-February 2

Washington shifts towards India; Church Committee established into CIA, FBI crimes; Truman backs development of H-bomb; dogsleds deliver diphtheria antitoxins in Alaska.

This week in history: January 20-26

This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago

This week in history: January 6-12

Öcalan death sentence delayed; Soviet Union launches Soyuz 17; Nkrumah independence campaign in Gold Coast; Polish nationalist campaign on Danzig.

This week in history: December 30-January 5

NY state to pay Attica victims; top Nixon aides convicted in Watergate scandal; Soviet trial of Japanese war criminals; Stalin steps up slander of Trotsky.

This week in history: December 22-28

Ivory Coast military coup; Vietnamese launch battle of Phuoc Long; Massacre by South Korean military; Mussolini’s violence exposed

This week in history: December 16-21

This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago

This week in history: December 9-15

This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago

This week in history: December 2-8

Child tried for manslaughter in Australia; Greece abolishes monarchy; UNRWA established for Palestinian aid; Erich von Stroheim’s “Greed” premieres

This week in history: November 18-24

Myanmar-Thailand border clash; UN recognizes Palestinian “right of return”;British Labour government nationalizes iron and steel industry; first Australopithecus skull discovered.

This week in history: November 11-17

This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

This week in history: November 4-10

This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago