New study documents over 1,600 killed in US siege of Raqqa, Syria
The killings in Raqqa, like those in Mosul, Iraq, constituted massive war crimes committed in the so-called war against ISIS.
The killings in Raqqa, like those in Mosul, Iraq, constituted massive war crimes committed in the so-called war against ISIS.
The same media and governments endlessly denouncing Syrian and Russian government atrocities ignore the US war crimes in Raqqa.
UN war crimes investigators found that the US military has inflicted a “staggering loss of civilian life” with its relentless airstrikes in and around the Syrian city of Raqqa.
The sheer scale of the killing makes the siege one of the greatest war crimes of the post-World War II era.
Conspicuous by its absence in the principles of the Taiwan Alliance for a Free Palestine is any reference to US imperialism or an explanation of why Taiwan has suddenly “deviated” from its founding principles by lending support to Israel.
The turmoil underscores the worsening political crisis in Washington’s puppet state that has become a proxy battle ground for regional and international political conflicts.
After an accident caused an oxygen tank to explode, eyewitness accounts and video clips of the terrible scenes of the fire at the hospital treating COVID-19 patients have provoked shock and anger throughout Iraq.
The appalling suffering resulting from imperialist warmongering—other than that in the opposition-held Idlib province—has largely been ignored by the world’s media.
Protests were sparked by unemployment, particularly among young people, the lack of electricity and water, poor services and rampant corruption.
The latest round of revelations makes clear that the US-led regime change operation in Syria has been based on a pack of lies.
The killings in Raqqa, like those in Mosul, Iraq, constituted massive war crimes committed in the so-called war against ISIS.
The Pentagon’s admission of 1,250 civilians killed in four years of bombardment of Iraq and Syria is a vast underestimate of the real death toll.
Unlike the hysteria generated over the fake gas attack in Douma earlier this year, the revelations of massive US war crimes in Raqqa have been treated as a non-event by the media.
The report documents the deaths of hundreds of civilians in the US siege of Raqqa last year, including the massacre of entire families.
The same media and governments endlessly denouncing Syrian and Russian government atrocities ignore the US war crimes in Raqqa.
The BBC report which confirmed earlier charges by Iran, Russia and the Syrian government of Pentagon collusion with ISIS has been largely ignored in the US media.
The end of ISIS control has not ended the carnage in Syria and Iraq, but opened up a potentially even bloodier stage.
Washington is determined to continue the slaughter in order to further its battle for control over Syrian territory.
The horrific slaughter of civilians in Raqqa comes just months after US-backed Iraqi forces, relying on US air power, laid waste to vast swathes of the city of Mosul in northern Iraq.
Scores of Syrian civilians have been killed in US air strikes, which, according to Damascus, have included the use of banned white phosphorous munitions against a hospital.
Two weeks after the Iraqi government hailed Mosul’s “liberation,” the criminal nature of the mass slaughter there continues to emerge.
The sheer scale of the killing makes the siege one of the greatest war crimes of the post-World War II era.
While the bulk of the US media has moved on, after proclaiming “victory” over ISIS in the Iraqi city, evidence of war crimes and collective punishment is mounting.
The top US general in Iraq signaled that US forces will remain deployed there long after ISIS is defeated.