Leading filmmakers protest German culture minister’s assault on the Berlin Film Festival
An open letter signed by over 470 directors and actors conveyed the concern and anger of film artists over these developments.
An open letter signed by over 470 directors and actors conveyed the concern and anger of film artists over these developments.
The election of the Christian Democrat Kai Wegner as Berlin Mayor, and thus the head of the state government, has revealed the character of the administration now running Germany’s capital. Wegner was most likely elected with the votes of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD).
The return of the Grand Coalition in Berlin reaffirms that it has become impossible to influence political events by means of the ballot box.
Prominent Left Party politician Sahra Wagenknecht and her husband Oskar Lafontaine are trying to steer the opposition to the Ukraine war into a nationalist dead end. In their opinion, Germany should pursue its geopolitical interests independently of the US.
It would be hard to find a previous election in Germany in which the gulf between the interests of the population and the politics of the established parties was as obvious as in the re-run of the Berlin state election last Sunday.
The following speech was given by Ulrich Rippert, the honorary chairman of the Socialist Equality Party and candidate in the Berlin state elections, at the SGP's rally against the war in Ukraine on February 4 at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin.
The rank-and-file Berlin Transit Workers Action Committee supports the election platform of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (SGP) in the Berlin state election.
On Thursday, Verdi called for one-day warning strikes in the municipal public sectors. Friday, employees in the state of Baden-Württemberg were likewise on strike.
We publish here an appeal by Ulaş Ateşçi to vote for the Socialist Equality Party (SGP) in the Berlin elections on February 12. Ateşçi is a leading member of the Sosyalist Eşitlik Grubu (Socialist Equality Group) in Turkey.
Against the war madness and social devastation, a powerful movement of the working class is developing all over the world. The SGP election campaign has given it a voice and a socialist perspective.
On February 4, as part of its campaign for the Berlin elections, the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party - SGP) held a central rally against the Ukrainian war and the return of German militarism at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, attended by over 300 people.
The following speech was delivered by Gregor Link on February 4 on Potsdamer Platz in Berlin at the election rally of the Sozialistiche Gleichheitspartei (SGP, the German section of the Fourth International) in opposition to the war in Ukraine. Link is a spokesman for its youth organization, the IYSSE.
Hundreds of workers and youth attended the main rally of the SGP in the party’s campaign for the Berlin state elections. The SGP is the only party in Germany calling for an end to the US/NATO war against Russia in Ukraine.
As the German government and other leading NATO members continue to escalate the proxy war in Ukraine, Left Party chairman Martin Schirdewan seeks to conceal this war policy with phrases about “negotiations” and “diplomacy”.
On February 4, the Socialist Equality Party held a rally against the war in Ukraine and the return of German militarism as part of its election campaign for the Berlin election at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. We publish here the opening remarks of Johannes Stern, who moderated the rally.
The following speech was delivered by the lead candidate and chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (SGP), Christoph Vandreier, at the party's rally against the war in Ukraine on February 4 at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin.
The wage cuts can only be stopped if workers take real industrial action and unite with their brothers and sisters in France, Britain and across Europe.
Participants at the rally of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei on February 4 spoke out against the US-NATO war against Russia and its connection to the social crisis and the attack on the working class.
The strong response to the rally shows that the SGP is giving a voice and a socialist perspective to widespread opposition to war and austerity. The SGP is the only party to oppose the ruling class’ war in Ukraine and the danger of a third world war fought with nuclear weapons.
In this video, Socialist Equality Party (SGP) Honorary Chairman and candidate for the Berlin state elections Ulrich Rippert speaks about the growing social divisions worldwide and the social catastrophe in Berlin.