The 2020 fascist coup plot in Michigan

The exposure of a plot to assassinate Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has uncovered the existence of a nationwide underground far-right terror network. Trump is plotting an attempt to ignore the results of the election on November 3 and use fascist forces in a bid to stay in power.

The militias are also the spearhead of the ruling class’ policy of “herd immunity.” They are being mobilized to threaten violence against officials responsible for implementing even the most mild lockdown measures in order to force the entire country back to work.

Trump and fascism

A video tweeted by President Trump depicting his return to the White House on October 5, 2020 after being hospitalized with COVID-19 was clearly modeled after Hitler's arrival at the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in the Nazi film Triumph of the Will.

From the WSWS archive

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Five more men to stand trial for 2020 plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmer

Michigan 86th District Court Judge Michael Stepka ruled last Wednesday that sufficient evidence was presented in a preliminary hearing by state prosecutors to bound five men over for a trial on felony charges in Antrim County circuit court in connection with the plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan.

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Gunman kills Wisconsin judge, had Whitmer, Evers on list

The man, who killed Judge Roemer and survived an apparent self-inflicted gunshot, had a list of potential targets that included the Democratic governors of Michigan and Wisconsin and the Republican Senate Majority Leader.

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The political issues in the Governor Whitmer kidnap plot verdict

The outcome of the trial of four men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmer shows that the political violence of paramilitary and fascistic groups aligned with the Republican Party will not be stopped by the courts or the Democratic Party.

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