CTU and Mayor Brandon Johnson prepare austerity contract for Chicago teachers
Teachers must reject the illusions peddled by CTU bureaucracy about the supposed “transformative” contract.
Teachers must reject the illusions peddled by CTU bureaucracy about the supposed “transformative” contract.
At a board meeting on Wednesday night, educators, parents and students in Chicago exploded in anger against the proposed plans to close seven charter schools.
Opposition is growing among educators and working class and immigrant families against the closure of 7 of 15 charter schools by the charter schools operator.
Chicago educators are at a critical juncture with the CTU bureaucracy sanctioning below-inflation raises and school closures
Teacher anger over paltry raises and the closure of Acero schools is reaching a boiling point.
Parents at Fuentes Elementary organized a demonstration to protest the closure of their children’s school. Acero, the charter network, is closing seven schools this year, impacting 2,000 students and 250 jobs in primarily working class communities.
The closures at Acero are just the beginning in Chicago. Chicago Public Schools faces a $1 billion budgetary shortfall for this year and next.
The announcement by the Acero board of the closure of seven charter schools heralds future attacks on schools which must be opposed by rank-and-file teachers.
The Biden/Harris administration’s decision to end schools’ federal COVID funding relief and prioritize war spending has created a massive fiscal cliff across the US. Class battles over the right to public education are set to occur, but require a new political perspective and the formation of independent rank-and-file committees of educators, parents and students.
CEO Pedro Martinez has refused to resign and his position has become a flashpoint for divisions in the ruling class over how to handle the district’s upcoming fiscal cliff and suppress the wage demands of teachers and other educators.
The Democratic Party is overseeing a historic assault on public education in the nation’s third largest school district.
The “talks” are dragging out in order to conceal from teachers the fact that massive cuts are on the way to close a $500 million deficit.
Chicago Mayor Johnson and Chicago Teachers Union leaders had called for the state to increase funding, knowing full well it would not, in order to give themselves cover for the next sellout teachers contract.
Behind closed doors, a conspiracy is being hatched against 25,000 Chicago school teachers. The Chicago Teachers Union is working with the city administration of Brandon Johnson to impose cuts in a new contract and block a strike during a politically explosive election year.
The union and Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson hope to avoid the possibility of over 25,000 Chicago teachers on strike during the convention.
Rank-and-file committees must form the basis for teachers to link up with the growing movement against war, and with other educators facing massive cuts to school budgets.
Teachers directed their anger at Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, formerly a county commissioner and lobbyist for the Chicago Teachers Union.
Both the ChiArts agreement and the decision to force students into schools during a dangerous heatwave underscore the need for teachers to build the Chicago Educators Rank-and-File Committee to take control over negotiations and safety out of the hands of union officials.
The World Socialist Web Site spoke with a New York City teacher, who details the impact of the just-ratified agreement.
The real legacy of CORE is the continued decimation of public education, highlighted by the closure of 50 schools following the defeat of the 2012 teachers strike, with this June marking the 10-year anniversary of those closures.