The impact of the crashing of millions of computer systems running Microsoft Windows at businesses, government offices and critical infrastructure organizations around the world continued over the weekend.
The call by the Postal Workers Action Committee for rank-and-file workers to take the approaching strike at Deutsche Post DHL into their own hands, to prevent a sellout by Verdi, has been accessed more than 25,000 times.
We have made it clear with our warning strikes and protests in recent weeks that we want to fight for our demands. But we must prepare ourselves for the fact that the Verdi union will do everything it can to prevent industrial action.
As president of the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions and head of the Stalinist Socialist Unity Party, Douglas played a pivotal role in suppressing the struggles of the working class against the right-wing 1984-90 Labour government and the subsequent National Party government.
At the factory meeting on Wednesday, the works council and IG Metall union, supported by Saarland’s Minister President Anke Rehlinger (Social Democrats, SPD), will do everything they can to seal the plant’s closure.
The marked downward shift in the major economies is not the result of a conjunctural shift in the business cycle, to be followed by an upturn, but is one aspect of a general breakdown of the global capitalist economy.
The United Nations has warned that the war risks tipping 1.7 billion people, one-fifth of the world’s population, into poverty, destitution and hunger—a horrifying scenario the imperialist powers are utilising to step up their warmongering in the Black Sea.
The key issue in the Evergrande crisis is whether the government and financial authorities will be able to stave off the effects of the developing slump in real estate and property development on the broader economy.
The Biden administration has made it clear the unions will play a key role in promoting the anti-China drive and enforcing the deadly reopening of schools and workplaces.
The formation of the new transnational giant marks new milestones in both the global integration of production and the protracted decline of America’s industrial dominance, while heralding intensified attacks on workers’ jobs internationally.
The WSWS approaches the myriad questions that arise from an analysis of what is called the “economy” on the basis of the historical materialist method elaborated by Karl Marx.
Modern Monetary Theory is the latest in a long line of attempts by “left” theorists to maintain that capitalism can be made to work for society if only outmoded thinking about the monetary system is abandoned.
The announced deal will position Cleveland-Cliffs as the top producer of flat-rolled steel and iron ore pellet in North America and intensify the restructuring of the global steel industry.
An unholy alliance of Ontario Premier Doug Ford, the federal Liberal government, and the United Steelworkers and Unifor trade unions is whipping up Canadian nationalism to justify retaliatory tariffs in answer to Trump’s “America First” protectionism.
Trump has indicated government bailout measures for the industry may be forthcoming after his failed attempt to halt the price slide by having Russia and Saudi Arabia cut production.
The pandemic has made clear that the tiny minority of corporate and financial oligarchs, and the profit system over which they preside, stand as an obstacle to the rational organisation and scientific planning of the economy and society necessary to deal with the threat to human life.
Markets are set to plunge further today following US President Trump’s virulently nationalist address yesterday evening in which he labelled the coronavirus as a “foreign virus.”
Socialist Equality Party (Australia) national secretary Nick Beams has been invited by the University of Western Sydney Schools of Law and Economics and Finance to deliver a guest lecture on the global financial crisis.
The following is the text of a report given by Nick Beams, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), to the WSWS/SEP/ISSE regional conferences, “The world economic crisis, the failure of capitalism, and the case for socialism.”
The following is Part 4 of a lecture delivered by Nick Beams, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia) and a member of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, to audiences in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney in November and December, 2008.