European court orders Ukraine to pay victims of the 2014 Odessa fascist massacre
The European Court’s findings confirm the WSWS’s assessment of the massacre 10 years ago and underscore the anti-democratic nature of the Kiev regime.
Russia is the home of vast stores of critical minerals, the development of which is seen as critical for the imperial strivings of the American ruling class at this stage of capitalist development.
This is the text of the introductory speech delivered by WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North to the 2022 International May Day Online Rally.
The European Court’s findings confirm the WSWS’s assessment of the massacre 10 years ago and underscore the anti-democratic nature of the Kiev regime.
According to the court, the fundamental right to conscientious objection only applies to people who are liable for military service under German law. However, even for them, this right can be revoked, the court states.
Berlin, Paris, London, and the other European governments intend to reduce their military dependence on the US by implementing unprecedented attacks on the working class.
As Zelensky has turned to the EU for support in the wake of his White House visit, the Trump administration has already begun meeting with Zelensky’s rivals within the Ukrainian ruling-class.
President Trump and Vice President Vance clashed with Ukrainian President Zelensky at the White House on Friday, exposing the crisis caused by the failure of the war in Ukraine and growing tensions between the US and its European allies.
Three years after the start of the Ukraine war, the narrative used by the imperialist powers to justify their provocation and escalation of the war is being exposed as a pack of lies.
Major European powers held an emergency summit yesterday in Paris after US officials threatened to cut Europe out of Trump’s planned talks with Russia over Ukraine.
The European response to Trump is no less reactionary than the fascist president’s own policy. It is to rearm, rearm and rearm some more.
The Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists condemns with contempt the smear campaign based on the claim that the International Committee's “negligence” in security matters was to blame for the arrest of our comrade, Bogdan Syrotiuk.
Trump’s bold-faced attempt to seize control of Ukraine’s mineral wealth is an open admission of the geostrategic and economic interests of US imperialism behind a war that has already claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands.
This report, submitted to the WSWS by Ukrainian underground journalists, documents the growing disintegration of the army amid preparations for US-Russian talks about a settlement of the conflict.
Bogdan is charged not for any action committed or planned but for his Trotskyist ideas, a “thoughtcrime."
The World Socialist Web Site, the organ of the International Committee of the Fourth International, demands the immediate release of the prisoners.
The WSWS rejects Alex Steiner's dishonest and evasive explanation of his decision to post false information provided by an anti-communist provocateur, aimed at disrupting the defense of Bogdan Syrotiuk.
In defiance of the demands of historians, Holocaust survivors and public opinion, Canada’s Liberal government is suppressing an almost four-decade-old secret report that identified some 900 Nazi war criminals who had lived, or were then living, in Canada.
Both this visit and his subsequent trip to Poland were held very much under the shadow of the incoming Trump administration, with Britain and the NATO powers unsure how fully Trump will commit to the Ukraine war and how much more he will demand the European powers contribute.
The ending of Ukraine’s long-standing role as transit route for Russian gas to Europe continues to exacerbate already existing tensions within Europe as the NATO proxy war heads into its third year
This report on the disastrous state of the Ukrainian military was submitted to the WSWS by underground journalists from the website.
No member of the Liberal government was allowed to show their face at the inauguration ceremony, for fear it would once again draw public attention to the Canadian state’s longstanding and ongoing patronage of fascist forces.
Wong’s trip coincided with, and was part of, a further escalation of the war against Russia, including discussions of direct NATO troop deployments.