US wars since 2001 have killed 4.5 million people
A succession of US presidents, Democratic and Republican, share responsibility for the worst crimes of the 21st century.
A succession of US presidents, Democratic and Republican, share responsibility for the worst crimes of the 21st century.
Despite the gravity of the crisis, the US, other major powers and financial institutions have ignored the UN’s humanitarian appeal as they turn their attention and resources to the war in Ukraine.
The goal of the Biden administration is to secure US imperialism’s control over the Horn of Africa and trade through the Suez Canal in preparation for confrontation with China.
The plight of tens of millions of internally displaced people is virtually ignored, attracting little global attention during the escalating global pandemic.
The protests reflect a broader anger towards the brutal methods utilized by the security forces during the curfew
The November 30 meeting was attended by representatives of voluntary and campaigning organisations. The Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Green Parties and Plaid Cymru also sent representatives.
The latest US airstrike came in the wake of an al-Shabab attack on a hotel in Kenya that left 21 people dead.
The intensive US air strikes in Somalia came on the heels of Washington’s unveiling of a new policy based upon Africa as an arena of great power conflict.
The threat is emerging that Somalia will become the arena for the same kind of US-backed bloodbath that is being carried out, on the opposite side of the Gulf of Aden, in Yemen.
Monday’s strike was the ninth such attack this year putting 2018 on track to overtake the record total set in 2017.
The announcement marks a further escalation of Washington’s military offensive in Somalia which has been ramped up over the last year, including the deployment of 500 special forces personnel.
The official US military deployment in Somalia has increased to more than 500, the largest contingent of soldiers in the country since 1993.
Since the beginning of 2017, the US has carried out 26 drone missile attacks in the impoverished East African country.
Twin bombings in central areas of Somalia’s capital of MogadishuSaturday killed at least 302 people and injured 300 others, with thedeath toll expected to climb.
Amid the worst famine conditions since the Second World War, the capitalist ruling classes are stoking war and militarism in Somalia and throughout the Horn of Africa.
The American military is “war-gaming procedures to work in a famine-type environment,” according to AFRICOM commander General Thomas Waldhauser.
The Pentagon announced the deployment of dozens of US troops to Somalia last week, the first traditional military operation in the country since 1994.
The growing number of training exercises and operations coordinated by AFRICOM point to a “pivot to Africa” and make clear Washington’s aim of imperialist domination of the African continent.
Wars waged or organized by the American government in numerous African countries, including Libya, Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria, and Mali, have turned millions into refugees.
Starvation and malnutrition are menacing the lives of 10-15 million people in the Horn of Africa countries of Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya.