On January 1, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. On taking office, Tusk made clear what was central for him: Europe must be ready for war.
Wolfgang Weber was an outstanding fighter who devoted his entire life to the service of the working class and the preparation of the socialist revolution.
While storm Boris, which brought the enormous rainfall, was caused by the rather unusual collision of polar air and warm, humid air from the unusually hot Mediterranean, the deeper causes lie in the dramatic acceleration of climate change.
The history of the Majdanek camp reveals the links between Nazi Germany’s war of aggression against the Soviet Union and the Holocaust, and the extermination of the Jewish population, which primarily affected Poland and Eastern Europe.
Donald Tusk’s government, which in the election campaign had promised to observe humanitarian norms, is now acting more harshly against defenceless refugees than its ultra-right predecessor.
At a press conference, two Polish ministers made abundantly clear that the new school programme is not about imparting neutral knowledge about first aid and disaster control, but instead is aimed at creating a militaristic culture.
The campaign against the film is not restricted to the far-right Polish ruling party. Tomasz Siemoniak, defence minister under Donald Tusk (Civic Platform, PO) until 2015, also mocked the film in a TV interview, comparing its veracity to Star Wars.
González’s arrest on baseless espionage allegations is an assault of freedom of the press, aiming to intimidate journalists and silence reporting on the NATO-Russia war in Ukraine.
The widespread disgust towards the government's far-right agenda drove masses onto the streets in Poland, but the civic platform of former EU Council President Donald Tusk offers no alternative.
Poland’s trade unions are organising symbolic actions six weeks before the general election on October 15 to dissipate workers' anger and line themselves up as partners with the future ruling party.
Amidst advanced preparations for an escalation of the NATO war against Russia, the principal danger is that the growing social and political discontent in the population is channeled behind the right-wing and militarist politics of the PO opposition.
Polish President Duda spelled out most clearly the implications of European policy, defining the European Union as an alliance dedicated to crushing Russia.