


Catastrophic floods in Central Europe claim over 20 lives

While storm Boris, which brought the enormous rainfall, was caused by the rather unusual collision of polar air and warm, humid air from the unusually hot Mediterranean, the deeper causes lie in the dramatic acceleration of climate change.

Markus Salzmann

Polish government steps up military indoctrination in schools

At a press conference, two Polish ministers made abundantly clear that the new school programme is not about imparting neutral knowledge about first aid and disaster control, but instead is aimed at creating a militaristic culture.

Martin Nowak

Change of government likely in Poland

The opposition parties won the parliamentary elections in Poland on Sunday, setting up fierce power struggles.

Martin Nowak, Peter Schwarz

Poland’s school system on the brink of collapse

Poland’s trade unions are organising symbolic actions six weeks before the general election on October 15 to dissipate workers' anger and line themselves up as partners with the future ruling party.

Martin Nowak