


US imperialist hypocrisy and the Libyan flood

Condolences from Obama and Biden cannot cover up their responsibility for the US-NATO war which devastated Libya and set the stage for the death of at least 20,000 in flood-ravaged Derna.

Patrick Martin

Libyan officials warn Derna flood death toll could reach 20,000

The failure to maintain basic infrastructure and to prepare emergency response policies, flowing from the 2011 NATO war in Libya that plunged the country into an ongoing 12-year civil war, has exacted a horrific human cost.

Alex Lantier

Death toll rises in Greece as flooding devastates Thessaly region

Sixteen people have been declared dead following the flash floods which hit Greece early last week. With a fifth of all arable land on the Thessaly plain under water, the economic devastation wrought counts in the billions of euros.

John Vassilopoulos

Libyan citizen kidnapped and flown to US to face Lockerbie charges

A 71-year-old Libyan, Abu Agila Mohammad Mas’ud Kheir Al-Marimi, appeared in a US federal court in Washington D.C. to face charges related to the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 on December 21, 1988 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Mas'ud has effectively been kidnapped and subjected to extraordinary rendition.

Steve James