Haiti’s interim prime minister was ousted last week by the Transitional Council—the government “oversight mechanism” that the US, Canada and various factions of the country’s bourgeois elite put together earlier this year to provide a fig leaf of “popular” legitimacy for the latest imperialist-sponsored military intervention in the Western Hemisphere’s poorest country.
On October 16, 37,000 workers at ten UC campuses, five medical centers and other facilities staged protests ahead of the looming expiration of their contract.
Trump has threatened to remove the legal status of some 20,000 Haitians in Springfield, Ohio as residents continue to show support to the embattled immigrant community.
The social catastrophe roiling Haiti, the Western hemisphere’s poorest country, is rooted in well over a century of US imperialist predations—including repeated colonial-style occupations and “made in USA” regime changes.
Henry’s swift dismissal as Haiti’s head of government proves yet again that Washington views Haiti’s political leaders, whether elected or unelected, as valets to be dismissed at its convenience, and treats the impoverished Haitian people with criminal indifference and hostility.
The US and its imperialist allies are trying to cobble together a “transitional government” supported by all the warring factions of Haiti’s corrupt political elite to provide a fig-leaf of “national unity” and “legality” for another foreign military intervention in the western hemisphere’s most impoverished country.
While cast as a response to the desperate plight of the Haitian people amid massive gang violence, the true aim of the planned Multinational Security Support intervention is to uphold US, Canadian and French imperialist interests and domination over the Caribbean.
The imperialist powers are utterly indifferent to the plight of the Haitian people—for which they are principally responsible—and hostile to their democratic and social aspirations.
•Félix Gauthier, Keith Jones
Argentine upheaval continues; Hawaii nurses strike over safe staffing
Haiti, the Western hemisphere’s most impoverished country, has been subject to a long series of catastrophic foreign occupations and interventions stretching back over a century, primarily led by American imperialism but also involving its Canadian ally.
Under conditions where Haiti’s 11 million inhabitants face a desperate health and social crisis and where there is mass opposition towards the US-installed government of President Ariel Henry, Washington and its imperialist allies are preparing to stabilize capitalist rule on the island nation through military force.
Through recounting Butler’s life and military career, Katz offers a brief but indelible history of the emergence of American imperialism in the first decades of the 20th century.
The Dominican ruling elite invokes nationalism to divide Dominican and Haitian workers, amid fears that Haiti’s political instability could spill over the border.
Discussions among Haitian government officials and foreign diplomats have been held in recent days around how to crush the growing insurrectionary movement developing within Haiti’s working class and prop up the illegitimate, US-installed Henry regime.
Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince and other major cities reached a new level of turmoil this week with mass protests against Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s pledge to end fuel subsidies.
•Alex Johnson
Protests over price rises rock Haiti; Uruguay educators hold national protest strike
Police savagely attacked a protest over soaring fuel and food costs in Haiti, while teachers in Uruguay held a nationwide protest strike over budget cuts last week.
Uruguay unions set one-day strike over government “reforms”
The union for 4,500 Columbus, Ohio, teachers announced its intent to strike over management’s 3 percent pay offer while Uruguay unions have set a one-day strike for August 11 over proposed social security changes.
Five Haitian migrants drowned and 68 others were left stranded Thursday after being dropped off from a boat in waters near an island west of Puerto Rico.