


Montreal longshore workers continue job actions; Pilots at Las Vegas-based Allegiant Air to vote on strike

Workers Struggles: The Americas

On October 27 Montreal port workers held another one-day strike, while 1,300 pilots at Allegiant are set to vote to authorize a strike after going 8 years without a wage rise.

Argentine upheaval continues; Hawaii nurses strike over safe staffing

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Workers in Haiti walked out to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry while 600 Hawaii nurses in Honolulu struck over staffing levels.

Washington places Cuba and Venezuela on “terror” list

After fostering an abortive mercenary invasion aimed at overthrowing Venezuela’s government and murdering its president, the US placed Caracas on a list of governments deemed uncooperative in the “war on terrorism.”

Bill Van Auken

New Cuban constitution recognizes private property

The new constitution signals the preparation for an all-out assault on the Cuban working class and what remains of the social welfare measures established through the Cuban Revolution.

Alexander Fangmann