


COVID surge underway in Bolivia and Peru

The new surge, in countries with the world’s highest death rates from COVID-19, shows the continuing threat posed by the deadly virus.

Cesar Uco

Short-lived military coup fails against Arce in Bolivia

The abortive coup marks a new stage in the turmoil gripping Bolivia ahead of the 2025 elections, where the major drivers are the escalating third world war and deepening crisis of global capitalism.

Andrea Lobo

Bolivian teachers holds one-day strike; Rolls-Royce workers locked out in Quebec, Canada

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Public school teachers across Bolivia struck March 18 over education funding, while management locked out 530 workers at a Rolls Royce aircraft engine maintenance facility in Montreal.

50 years since the Banzer coup in Bolivia

The International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) warned that failure to draw the lessons of Banzer’s takeover would lead to even bloodier coups across Latin America.

Miguel Andrade

NEA staff strike union Washington D.C. headquarters; Uruguayan workers hold nationwide strike

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Staff at the National Education Association are decrying strikebreaking by the largest US teachers union while workers in Uruguay staged a protest against the right-wing government of President Luis Lacalle Pou.

Civil war elections in Bolivia

Áñez is using her state position to outlaw the MAS opposition and mobilize fascistic forces among the military against the working masses.

Tomas Castanheira