The Afghan withdrawal represented a debacle for US imperialism, which based its policy throughout thirty years of uninterrupted wars, beginning with the first Gulf War in 1990-91, on the conviction that military force could overcome Washington’s precipitous economic decline.
The collapse of the Afghan government shatters the myth of American invincibility promoted by the US ruling elite after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.
The British government frequently reports that 457 British soldiers lost their lives and 616 soldiers suffered serious or very serious injuries but has failed to estimate of the overall harm caused by British operations in its largest deployment since World War II.
The escalating collapse of the US-backed security forces is the end product of 20 years of colonial-style occupation and countless war crimes against the Afghan population.
It was first revealed last year by the BBC’s Panorama documentary series that UK Special Forces command had been given veto power over the resettlement applications of Afghan commandos and exercised it to deny them asylum in Britain.
Only the inquiry team and representatives from the Ministry of Defence have been allowed to attend the closed hearings, preventing the lawyers for the bereaved families, the general public, and the press from observing the proceedings.
Strategically located between East Africa and Southeast Asia, Diego Garcia serves as a surveillance centre for the Middle East. It was critical to air operations during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
For more than two decades, the security forces of the Pakistani state and their US allies have run amok in the name of suppressing the Pakistan Taliban, levelling entire villages and wantonly violating human rights.
Regardless of the immediate culprit of Friday's terrorist attack, it is clear that it took place in a context of an expanding and escalating war against Russia by the imperialist powers.
Even before the passing of the official deadline to “voluntarily” leave Pakistan, Afghans who sought refuge in Pakistan from the social catastrophe caused by decades of imperialist-fomented war and neocolonial occupation have been the target of a vicious campaign of state harassment and intimidation.
In the film’s opening, John Goetz argues that “it’s a David and Goliath story … the whole weight and power of the American government focused against one individual.”
Far from providing humanitarian aid and relief in the aftermath of the NATO-led war and occupation, these financial flows served the imperialist powers’ geostrategic and military agenda.
The Afghan withdrawal represented a debacle for US imperialism, which based its policy throughout thirty years of uninterrupted wars, beginning with the first Gulf War in 1990-91, on the conviction that military force could overcome Washington’s precipitous economic decline.
Biden made it clear that the assassination of al-Zawahiri was a warning to anyone deemed an enemy by the US government, saying, “the United States will find you and take you out.”
The airing of SAS Death Squads Exposed: A British War Crime? comes at a sensitive time amid furious claims by Britain that Russia’s armed forces have committed multiple war crimes in Ukraine.