


Made in Ethiopia—or anywhere else in the world

Shot over four years before and during the pandemic, Made in Ethiopia shows the impact of this first industrial park that hosts 103 companies producing cement, ceramics, aluminium, and fast fashion and employs 20,000 people, at a time of profound crisis.

Jean Shaoul

New York Times attempts to keep the #MeToo pot simmering

Sorry/Not Sorry: The continuing campaign against comedian Louis C.K.

Through a new documentary, the New York Times seeks to keep the #MeToo pot simmering, divert the attention of as many people as possible from big social issues and prepare the ground for further attacks on democratic rights.

Erik Schreiber

Documenting and misrepresenting the 1984-85 British miners’ strike

Their overriding message is that the critical experience of class struggle in post-war Britain was essentially a tragic misunderstanding. However heroic and self-sacrificing the miners’ actions over their year-long strike, the escalation was regrettable, and moderation could have ensured the industry’s managed decline.

Paul Bond