The Socialist Equality Party is running Joseph Kishore for president and Norissa Santa Cruz for vice president in the 2020 US presidential elections.
In political solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International, the SEP is using this campaign to advance the struggle of the working class against capitalism.
The policy that has been adopted by the Trump administration and the ruling class is “herd immunity”—that is, the abandonment of any organized measures aimed at safeguarding public health.
The eclectic combination of individuals brought together to form a new “People’s Party” lacked a common conception, outside of a general orientation to the Democratic Party and bourgeois politics.
The 2020 election is taking place against the backdrop of the greatest social, economic and political crisis in the modern history of the United States.
Andre Damon•
Videos: Kishore and Santa Cruz speak
Joseph Kishore: Trump declares war on the constitution
In an act unprecedented in American history, Donald Trump has repudiated the Constitution and is attempting to establish a presidential dictatorship, supported by the military, police and far-right fascistic militia acting under his command.
Joseph Kishore: Trump declares war on the constitution
In an act unprecedented in American history, Donald Trump has repudiated the Constitution and is attempting to establish a presidential dictatorship, supported by the military, police and far-right fascistic militia acting under his command.
2020 International May Day Online Rally
Livestreamed on May 2, this rally was hosted by Norissa Santa Cruz and featured speakers from around the world, including Joseph Kishore and many other leaders of Socialist Equality Parties and Groups around the world which constitute the International Committee of the Fourth International.
Socialist Townhall with David North and Joseph Kishore
This online townhall discussion was livestreamed from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on February 24, 2020.
Joseph Kishore’s speech at socialist townhall, University of California, Berkeley
This townhall meeting took place on March 3, 2020, just as the COVID-19 outbreak was starting to become a global pandemic.
A conversation with Joseph Kishore and Norissa Santa Cruz
Livestreamed on March 4, 2020.
Norissa Santa Cruz on the way forward for striking University of California grad students
Santa Cruz spoke at a socialist town hall meeting at UC Berkeley on March 3, 2020
Joseph Kishore interviews high school students who walked out to defend public education
The walkout took place on March 6, 2020 at San Ysidro High, part of the Sweetwater school district in San Diego, California.
Norissa Santa Cruz interviews teachers and students fighting to defend public education
Hundreds of students, teachers and parents marched outside a school board meeting in Chula Vista, California on March 9, 2020, to fight against attacks on public education in the Sweetwater school district
Joseph Kishore: “Free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning!”
These remarks were sent on February 25, 2020, to a public meeting of the Socialistiche Gleichheits Partei (SGP), which is the Socialist Equality Party of Germany.
In his speech opening Sunday’s final public meeting of the 2020 election, Socialist Equality Party Chairman David North stated, “A great historical crisis—and the pandemic is of that magnitude—reveals and puts to the test the perspectives and programs of all parties.” The course of events has vindicated the perspective and program of the Socialist Equality Party.
In the final days of the election, the Democratic Party and its affiliates are going all out to insist that workers and youth opposed to Trump must subordinate their struggles to electing Biden.
Trump renewed his call for supporters—that is, right-wing vigilante organizations—to monitor polling places and not accept the results of the election.
Opposition to the resumption of classes at the University of Michigan is part of a broader struggle of workers against the homicidal policy of the ruling class related to the pandemic.
•Joseph Kishore - Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president
The SEP’s three-month legal campaign for ballot access in Michigan came to an end on Friday with the state proceeding to the production of the ballots with the names of Joseph Kishore and Norissa Santa Cruz excluded.
The SEP 2020 presidential campaign has appealed to Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the Supreme Court associate justice responsible for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in a final effort to overturn the unconstitutional Michigan ballot access laws.
Joseph Kishore, Socialist Equality Party (SEP) candidate for US President, issued the following statement in response to the ruling on Monday by the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
Only through the development of the class struggle can the working class make right the years of bipartisan social crimes against the working class of Flint, Michigan.
The second day of the convention featured remarks by Powell, a leading architect of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and a video highlighting Biden’s “unlikely friendship” with arch warmonger John McCain.
As the US election enters its final stage, enormous pressure is being brought to bear to convince workers and youth that the only way to oppose Trump is to support Biden and Harris.
There is something incredibly degrading and shameful about the whole process, testifying to the intellectual and cultural collapse of American politics.
The response of the ruling class and its state to the SEP's legal challenge has been determined by one political motive: Keep socialists off the ballot!
•Joseph Kishore—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US President
The brief replied to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s claim that April’s right-wing anti-lockdown protests in Lansing means the SEP candidates should have recognized that it was safe to gather signatures.
In a tweet Monday afternoon, Tesla CEO Elon Musk provided his summary of Marx’s great work on capitalist political economy: “Das Kapital in a nutshell,” Musk wrote, is “Gib me dat for free.”
•Joseph Kishore—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president
The Trump administration’s deployment of paramilitary forces throughout the United States is a major escalation of the attempt to organize a coup d’état in advance of the November presidential elections.
Federal District Court Judge Dolly M. Gee handed down a ruling on Tuesday against the lawsuit filed by the SEP, which argues that California’s ballot access laws are “effectively impossible” to satisfy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a set of court filings Wednesday, the SEP candidates refuted point by point the arguments made by California state officials in an effort to keep them off the November ballot.
Joseph Kishore and Norissa Santa Cruz are suing California for enforcing a 200,000-signature requirement. Yesterday, the candidates appealed a Michigan judge’s ruling against them to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.