the Socialist Equality Party

Build rank-and-file committees to unite with teachers in Arizona and Kentucky!

Mobilize the working class behind striking Oklahoma educators!

The statewide strike in Oklahoma is part of an expanding wave of struggles by educators across the United States and internationally.

the Socialist Equality Party

Form rank-and-file committees to expand the strike!

The way forward for West Virginia teachers

The SEP urges striking teachers and school employees to go from impromptu meetings and rallies to the election of rank-and-file strike committees to mobilize the entire working class.

the Socialist Equality Party

The issues posed by the worldwide March for Science

Science and Socialism

Hundreds of thousands of scientists and other professionals, together with students and working people, will take part this Saturday in the worldwide March for Science.

the Socialist Equality Party

Mobilize the working class to defend public education

Vote “no” on the CPS-CTU concessions contract!

The agreement, fraudulently presented as a “fair deal” by the Chicago Teachers Union and the Chicago Public Schools system, is a further attack on teachers and public education.

the Socialist Equality Party