our reporter

“His arrest is part of a process to silence all left-wing and socialist opposition”: Workers in Canada demand freedom for Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk

“Bogdan’s imprisonment is a threat to workers in Canada who oppose the war to be quiet, but we will not be silenced. His arrest also tears apart the lies of the imperialist powers justifying their war of aggression against Russia and using the working class of Ukraine as cannon fodder for the predatory interests of imperialism.”

our reporter

“Rabid attacks on basic democratic rights, such as the imprisonment of Bogdan, leave their mark on workers across the globe”

Canadian workers call for freedom for Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk

Canadian imperialism has maintained a decades-long relationship with far-right Ukrainian nationalists, including the political descendants of Nazi collaborators during World War II. It is these forces that make up the backbone of the Ukrainian regime that is persecuting comrade Bogdan.

our reporter