The Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists condemns with contempt the smear campaign based on the claim that the International Committee's “negligence” in security matters was to blame for the arrest of our comrade, Bogdan Syrotiuk.
More than six months have passed since Bogdan's arrest. During this time many organizations, parties, intellectuals and scholars have expressed their support for him.
•Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists
Russia in the aftermath of the Crocus City Hall attack
The fifth term of Vladimir Putin will be characterized by an expanding war and an ever greater social and political crisis for which his regime does not and cannot have an answer.
The working class must draw important lessons from this interview. It exposes the political and historical bankruptcy of the oligarchic regime stemming from the Stalinist betrayal of the October Revolution and the subsequent restoration of capitalism.
This is the tribute given by the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists to Halil Çelik, founder and leader of the Sosyalist Eşitlik Grubu, who died suddenly at the age of 57 on December 31, 2018.
We are publishing here the tribute to Helen Halyard from the Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists, a Trotskyist youth organization in the former Soviet Union.
The YGBL in Russia and Ukraine submitted a statement to the student council of Bochum University, which has voted to call upon the University administration to ban the IYSSE from campus.
This message of solidarity was sent by the YGBL to the antiwar meeting held in Toronto, Canada, on June 4 by the International Youth and Students for Social Equality.