Therese LeClerc

150 years since the Paris Commune

On Saturday, April 3, the WSWS hosted an international online meeting to mark the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune of 1871.

David North, Alex Lantier, Barry Grey, Therese LeClerc

National Front stages violent provocation in Paris

Supporters of the extreme-right National Front (FN) last week attacked political opponents and passers-by in a heavily populated working class area in the northeast of Paris, sending several people to hospital.

Therese LeClerc

Shootings in France reveal explosive social tensions

In the early morning hours of March 27, a 33-year-old man opened fire at the end of a lengthy municipal council meeting in the western Paris suburb of Nanterre, killing eight local politicians and wounding fourteen others, eight seriously. Richard Durn, a university graduate who had never been able to find a steady job, waited for observers from the public to leave the building, then pulled out an automatic weapon and fired dozens of shots at the 40 officials present.

Therese LeClerc

New evidence on the role of the US and France

Who is responsible for the genocide in Rwanda?

Those who lost their lives, and the millions more who were forced to flee their homes in the course of the catastrophe, were victims of an ongoing struggle between French and American imperialism, which has produced further human tragedies in Zaire and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and threatens countless others throughout Africa.

Therese LeClerc