The WSWS Editorial Board

US autoworkers shut down General Motors

The strike by 46,000 GM auto workers marks a major escalation of class struggle in the United States and internationally.

The WSWS Editorial Board

What is the pseudo-left?

Political developments in Greece in recent months are a striking confirmation of the WSWS's analysis of “pseudo-left” tendencies.

The WSWS Editorial Board

The suicides in San Diego

The pathetic death of 39 people in San Diego, the largest group suicide in the history of the United States, is a sad and disturbing event.

The WSWS Editorial Board

Horror in Newtown

Beyond the individual motivations of the killer, the mass shooting at Newtown, Connecticut lays bare a brutality that pervades American society.

The WSWS Editorial Board

A socialist answer to the Gaza crisis

The genocidal offensive launched by the Israeli government is inseparably connected to the crisis of the capitalist world economy. After decades of unrestrained enrichment, the ruling classes all over the world have nothing to offer the working masses except poverty, unemployment, exploitation, repression and war.

The WSWS Editorial Board

Rice leaves bloody footprints in Lebanon

At some point in the future, when the ill-fated American drive for hegemony in the first decade of the twenty-first century is subjected to critical study, historians will discover ugly parallels between the tenure of Condoleezza Rice as American secretary of state under President Bush and that of Joachim Ribbentrop as German foreign minister under Chancellor Hitler.

The WSWS Editorial Board

G8 powers sanction Israeli aggression in Lebanon

The summit of the Group of Eight adjourned Monday on the sixth day of brutal Israeli air strikes on Lebanon, with the leaders of the major imperialist regimes effectively endorsing the pulverizing of a small nation by a US client state, armed to the teeth by Washington.

The WSWS Editorial Board

Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq: Bush’s “big lie” and the crisis of American imperialism

More than two months after the US occupation of Baghdad, and three months after the onset of the American invasion, the Bush administration has been unable to produce any evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. It is increasingly obvious that the entire basis on which the White House and the American media “sold” the war was a lie.

The WSWS Editorial Board

Washington’s war of terror in Iraq

A series of sustained counterinsurgency operations by US troops has signaled a new stage in the US occupation of Iraq. Faced with escalating armed resistance and growing hostility from the Iraqi people, Washington has decided to use overwhelming force to suppress and terrorize the country’s 24 million people.

The WSWS Editorial Board

The rape of Iraq

During the buildup to the last world war, it was common to speak of Nazi Germany’s “rape of Czechoslovakia,” or “rape of Poland.” It is high time that what the US is doing is called by its real name. A criminal regime in Washington is carrying out the rape of Iraq.

The WSWS Editorial Board

World Socialist Web Site holds international conference on socialism and the struggle against war

Today we are publishing this summary account of the WSWS-Socialist Equality Party conference held over the weekend in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the opening report to the conference given by David North, chairman of the WSWS International Editorial Board and national secretary of the SEP in the United States. Over the next several days we will publish the resolutions adopted by the conference, as well as the remarks made by the presenters and portions of the discussion from both the conference floor and the platform.

The WSWS Editorial Board

A shameful day in American history

US blitzkrieg turns Baghdad into an inferno

The US bombardment of Baghdad is being carried out for predatory imperialist aims—above all, the seizure and control of oil wealth—against the defenseless population of a nation that represents no threat to the American people.

The WSWS Editorial Board

The tasks facing the anti-war movement

This statement was distributed at demonstrations on February 15-16, 2003 in cities across the US, Europe, Asia Australia and New Zealand.

The WSWS Editorial Board

Powell’s UN speech triggers countdown to war against Iraq

US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s brief for war against Iraq is was predicated on a colossal lie: that the coming invasion is about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and Baghdad’s supposed threat to US security and world peace.

The WSWS Editorial Board