Steve James

Kneecap, the movie—funny, noisy and sympathetic

Kneecap, the movie is part comedy, part fictionalised music biopic, part contribution to Irish language rights and part investigation of the state of mind of a generation in the North of Ireland.

Steve James

Right-wing coalition government deal reached in Ireland

A coalition agreement reached between the winners of the Irish general election and a group of independents marks a sharp rightward shift, in preparation for global instability, the fascistic presidency of Donald Trump and new assaults on the working class.

Dermot Quinn, Steve James

Scottish local authority workers should reject COSLA's agreement

Scottish local authorities are offering a supposedly “enhanced” agreement which includes no extra money and no reduction in hours as a conclusion to this year's pay round. It follows a two-week strike by workers at schools in Perth and Kinross.

Steve James

Alex Salmond embodied Scottish nationalism’s political bankruptcy—Part 2

Salmond's career as the Scottish National Party’s leading representative and the SNP’s record in government serve as devastating refutations of its “progressive” claims and the fatuous assertions of the pseudo-left that Scottish separatism is anti-imperialist and a route to socialism.

Steve James

Alex Salmond embodied Scottish nationalism’s political bankruptcy—Part 1

Salmond's career as the Scottish National Party’s leading representative and the SNP’s record in government serve as devastating refutations of its “progressive” claims and the fatuous assertions of the pseudo-left that Scottish separatism is anti-imperialist and a route to socialism.

Steve James