Just as genocide is being openly adopted as an instrument of policy and mass death has been normalized in the ruling class response to the pandemic, fascistic and authoritarian movements are again part of the mainstream political landscape throughout the world.
•Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board
Just as the ruling elites have normalized genocide and nuclear war, they have deliberately normalized ongoing mass death and human suffering through the unhindered spread of COVID-19.
•Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board
The New Year opens against the backdrop of a massive escalation of imperialist violence throughout the world. Genocide and nuclear war are being normalized.
•Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board
The WSWS calls for strikes and other protest actions by the working class in every country. We urge the organization of mass demonstrations in cities and emergency solidarity protests by college and high school students.
•Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board
The escalating Israeli genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza has sparked massive demonstrations, involving millions of people, on every inhabited continent in the world.
•Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board
The event reflects the objective change that has been underway for some time in the relationship between Trotskyism and the international working class.
•Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board
In light of the major escalation Monday of the conflict between the United States and Russia, we are republishing excerpts from the 2016 statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, “Socialism and the Fight Against War.”
•Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board
Amid a pandemic that has killed nearly one million people in the US and continues to kill more than 2,000 every day, the Biden administration is focusing all attention on an increasingly hysterical campaign for war against Russia.
•Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board
With a new wave of COVID-19 infections engulfing the world, governments are abandoning even the limited public health measures previously adopted to contain the disease.
•Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board