Argentine retirees savagely assaulted for protesting benefit cuts
All the evidence points to a provocation by the Milei administration aimed at justifying an escalation of attacks on democratic rights.
All the evidence points to a provocation by the Milei administration aimed at justifying an escalation of attacks on democratic rights.
The approval of an IMF package and the appointment of the two judges by executive decree, both clear authoritarian power grabs, took place amid accusations of corruption against Milei in connection with the “crypto crisis”.
Haiti is being transformed into one of the world’s largest concentration camps, its people confronting a slow genocide from hunger, disease and terror squads armed by US imperialism.
The border crackdown is aimed at scapegoating migrants for the devastating effects of Milei’s policies and provoking US-backed confrontations with neighboring countries.
Approximately 1,500 active-duty troops, including 500 Marines from Camp Pendleton, have been deployed to assist in securing the border.
In a vulgarity-laden statement posted on X, Argentine President Javier Milei defended billionaire Elon Musk’s Nazi salute and threatened to hunt down and exterminate left-wingers.
Argentina’s fascist President Milei seeks to erase the record of torture, disappearances and murder of tens of thousands of militant workers and youth.
US imperialism has not only encouraged a partnership between the CGT union apparatus and Milei, but sees it as a model for the incoming Trump administration.
Everyone who knew and worked with Larry waves a fond and sad goodbye to an outstanding representative of the international working class—and an all-around decent and good person.
Argentina’s poverty rate has reached 52.9 percent, the highest in 20 years, a 13 percent increase since Milei took power.
Boric’s pseudo-left government in Chile and Milei’s fascistic government in Argentina are participating in military exercises this week that are part of the war preparations by US imperialism and NATO.
As early as next month, the Pentagon is expected to take over several military factories in Argentina to produce artillery, munitions and other weapons for the US-NATO war in Ukraine against Russia.
Some predict the wildfire, currently only 10 percent controlled, could continue until the rainy season in the fall, expanding uphill toward the Nevada border and downhill toward the Sacramento River and the Pacific Coast.
Milei’s agenda echoes the “National Reorganization Process” (el Proceso) initiated by Argentina’s murderous military dictatorship.
For Milei, the main enemy of Argentine capitalism is the working class, which he aims to isolate and control, divide and defeat.
The government of President Javier Milei is resorting increasingly to open repression to impose the diktats of the IMF and big business.
These measures will ensure the immiseration of the working class and the widening of the gap between rich and poor.
Every day the harsh austerity measures being pursued by the government of fascistic President Javier Milei bring Argentina closer to all-out class war.
Milei has launched a series of decrees and an omnibus bill designed to benefit the parasitic ruling class while destroying the living standards and remaining democratic rights of the working class.
On December 20, Argentina’s ultra-right President Javier Milei signed a decree to downsize the government, scrap regulations and strip the working class of existing social, wage, retirement and welfare benefits.