Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee

Oppose the USO pilots imposed by CWU and Royal Mail!

Collective opposition must be organised against the bureaucratic imposition of the “USO reform” pilots by the Communication Workers Union hierarchy and Royal Mail management at 37 delivery offices across the UK.

Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee

The way forward for Canada Post workers after CUPW’s surrender to government strike-ban

The sabotage of our strike, coordinated between the government, the Crown corporation and the union apparatus, has materially weakened our struggle for a new collective agreement. However, if we draw the appropriate lessons from this experience, we can seize the initiative and return to the offensive.

Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee

Defeat the CWU’s rotten deal with Royal Mail!

The Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee is holding a meeting this Sunday, April 23, at 7pm to organise a fightback against the Communication Workers Union’s sellout agreement.

Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee

Australian postal workers support SEP candidates in federal election

The Postal Workers’ Rank-and-File Committee warns that a union-backed Labor government will deepen the assault on the working class, advance the drive to war and continue the homicidal “let it rip” COVID-19 agenda.

Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee