The curators’ narrative and lack of a class perspective provides no axis for understanding the decade, which was characterised, above all, by the abandonment and betrayal of radicalised sections of the working class and youth by all the old “labour movement” organisations.
It was left to Jean Charles’s cousin, Katia da Silva, to question the firearm’s officer’s story in an interview with the Mirror and accuse him of “bragging about the brutality with which he took Jean’s life.”
Those featured attended the same art schools as other Soviet artists, rebelled against the old conventions together, co-founded artistic movements, shared studios, debated the future of art and became friends and lovers. Many embraced the Bolshevik Party and its Ukrainization policy based on the principle of self-determination including the right to secession.
The article presented below was published to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the Carnation Revolution. It explains how the Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Portugal, assisted by pseudo-left groups that served as appendages to the main labour bureaucracies, were responsible for its defeat.
Neither Starmer’s “new regulatory approach” or Corbyn’s renationalisation under capitalism can solve the problems of a water industry that has been systematically looted.
All the allegations against Spacey tested in court have now failed. The outcomes have vindicated the principled stand taken by the World Socialist Web Site against the #MeToo witch-hunt.
In testimony to the court last week, July 13 and 14, Spacey rejected allegations that he was a “big sexual bully” who abused his fame and power to make his alleged victims “feel powerless and uncomfortable.”
Spacey denies three counts of indecent assault, seven of sexual assault, one of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent and one of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent, which carries a maximum punishment of life imprisonment.
Privatisation brought a Wild West-style rampage at the hands of bank consortiums, private equity firms and sovereign wealth funds committed to extracting every last penny from customers and workers and building up debts while splashing out on dividends.
Spacey has pleaded not guilty to three counts of indecent assault, three counts of sexual assault and one count of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent between 2001 and 2013.
The World Socialist Web Site is republishing an article posted August 15, 2021 reviewing the largest ever retrospective of Paula Rego's work, mounted by Tate Britain.
The following is the second and concluding part of a series on the death of Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, the Army captain who organised the military coup on April 25, 1974, that overthrew 48 years of dictatorship in Portugal.
The following is the first of a two-part series on the death of Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, the Army captain who organised the military coup on April 25, 1974, that overthrew 48 years of dictatorship in Portugal.
The territory has been claimed by both the Kingdom of Morocco and the bourgeois-nationalist Polisario Front since the end of Gen. Francisco Franco’s fascist dictatorship in Spain in 1975.