“Our work is not an ‘unfair financial burden’ on the company, as claimed by Ofcom. It is a proud and honest occupation that should be generously remunerated.”
In this video, Des Beach, a Royal Mail delivery worker with 31-years’ service, speaks about his unfair dismissal with Tony Robson from the World Socialist Web Site.
Des told the World Socialist Web Site, “I’d been paying union subs since day one of joining Royal Mail, but CWU officials were not interested in my case.”
The CWU’s call for a “new business and ownership model” under the sole ownership of EP Group is in line with the Labour government’s pledge to be the “most pro-business in history”. It preserves the privileged status of the CWU bureaucracy as corporate enforcer.
Greetings were brought to the meeting from the Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee at Canada Post, where around 55,000 workers are being balloted for strike action over new collective agreements.
The Socialist Equality Group calls on rail workers to vote in favour of strike action in their pay dispute with Transdev and Hyundai Rotem, but warns that to carry out a real fight, workers must break from the RMTU and establish an independent rank-and-file committee.
The WSWS warns that the Rail and Maritime Transport Union is preparing to impose another sellout agreement on hundreds of rail workers, after years in which wages have fallen behind the cost of living.
Ghassan, who lives in a bomb-damaged house with dozens of people, described the desperate shortage of food, water and healthcare and the constant fear of bombings and drone attacks.
The 30-minute interview with “Let’s Talk Everything,” a Tamil Nadu-based program with over 23,000 subscribers and 250,000 viewers, has attracted numerous positive comments from those who watched it.
Anne, from a large mail centre in west London, told Sunday’s Zoom meeting: “Starmer’s Labour and the CWU are both behind Kretinsky. The CWU are not working for the members.”
Led by young workers and Middle Eastern families, more than 100 people rallied and marched through Surfers Paradise on Saturday to denounce the intensifying Israeli genocide in Gaza and the Australian Labor government’s support for it.
The Albanese government’s Universities Accord cannot be separated from Labor’s whole pro-business agenda, its commitment to US war plans and its complicity in the US-backed genocide in Gaza.
Ian said: “Dave Ward and the CWU Postal Executive signed us up for the gig-economy at Royal Mail and totally sold us down the river. It is like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank.”
The Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee has appealed for resolutions to be passed in workplaces and for messages of support for Julian Assange demanding an end to extradition proceedings against him and his immediate and unconditional freedom.
Robson told the meeting, “If Royal Mail cannot provide decent jobs or pay for its workforce or deliver a mail service that is fit for purpose, it must be placed into public ownership.”
“I fully agree with the need for the working class to halt the war machine. Dockers should refuse to handle arms shipments, and every sector of workers should get involved.”
Education workers, parents and students call for a unified struggle by the working class, indigenous and non-indigenous, against the racialist policies of both the Yes and No camps.