Australian Greens outline program for military build-up and war
The Greens are pitching to hawkish elements of the military-intelligence apparatus, who advocate a military expansion to offset the potential unreliability of the Trump administration.
The Greens are pitching to hawkish elements of the military-intelligence apparatus, who advocate a military expansion to offset the potential unreliability of the Trump administration.
The recording of the nurses, without their knowledge or consent, would clearly breach Australian laws.
Held in person in the working-class Sydney suburb of Bankstown and streamed on Zoom, the meeting was attended by a broad cross-section of workers, students and young people.
The findings of the Islamophobia Register are an indictment of governments and the media, which have stoked anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian racism to legitimise their support for the Gaza genocide.
It is increasingly clear that Labor leaders were aware the “antisemitic attacks” were a hoax, even as they declared them a major threat to national security in order to ram through the laws.
For the first time since Trump’s election, there is a clear rift between the Labor government and the American administration, and open discussion in ruling circles over the viability of the US-Australia alliance.
As soon as it was confirmed that a budget would be brought down in March, national-security figures demanded that it include massive hikes to military spending, which will be paid for through austerity.
The phoney graffiti incidents in Sydney ran parallel with an aggressive campaign by the Israeli government for Australia to adopt “hate speech” laws directed against opponents of the Gaza genocide.
By charging Hash Tayeh for declaring “all Zionists are terrorists,” police are asserting dictatorial authority to suppress political speech.
While emphasising his ironclad commitment to the US alliance, Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has expressed support for continuing the proxy war against Russia by backing Ukraine.
The revelation points to the fraudulent character of the broader hysteria over purported antisemitism, which has been whipped-up by politicians seeking to suppress mass opposition to the Gaza genocide.
The NSW nurses union has not held a single event opposing the Gaza genocide, but did hold a protest last week vilifying two lowly health workers who made backward comments about Israel.
While the media and politicians have pilloried two young nurses for making stupid and politically backward comments about Israel, another incident last week pointed to the manufactured character of the purported “antisemitism crisis.”
Albanese touted the possibility of an exemption on Tuesday, before being repeatedly slapped down over the following hours.
Politicians have made inflammatory interventions, prejudicing the legal rights of the nurses involved and using their backward comments to crack down on civil liberties.
Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles pledged full collaboration with the Trump administration in the war drive against China.
Labor is signalling its support for ethnic-cleansing, colonialism and unbridled imperialist criminality, under conditions of war developing globally.
Zionists ludicrously claimed that hearing Peter Lalor’s voice as he commentated Test cricket would make them feel “unsafe.”
The Nazis have been emboldened by the promotion of the far-right internationally, epitomised by the ascension to power of the fascistic Trump regime in the US.
Sarah Schwartz has been venomously targeted, for exposing bogus claims of far-right and conservative forces to be opposing antisemitism, when they are simply supporting Israeli war crimes.