Niles Williamson

Western powers prepare military operations in Libya

Plans for a renewed imperialist intervention in Libya have reached an advanced stage following the deployment of US and European special forces to the country in recent weeks.

Niles Williamson

More mass shootings in the US

Mass shootings have occurred in Kansas, Arizona and Washington state since six people were killed last week in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Niles Williamson

The New York Times and “human rights” imperialism in Syria

The New York Times continues to play a filthy role, exploiting reports of starvation in the Syrian town of Madaya to push for the expansion of US military operations aimed at the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad.

Niles Williamson

Obama, Trump and the working class

Trump’s ability to exploit grievances and popular anger for reactionary purposes is due above all to what passes for “left” in official American politics, exemplified by Obama, which has nothing but hostility and contempt for the working class.

Niles Williamson