The social reality behind the US elections
The reality of life for millions of Americans is highlighted in a new study relating life expectancy to income.
The reality of life for millions of Americans is highlighted in a new study relating life expectancy to income.
The result of Tuesday’s primary election in Wisconsin is yet another expression of the deep discontent and hostility of the working class to austerity and social inequality.
Amid mounting signs that interest in socialism is on the rise, Kristof is doing his best to promote racialist politics to divide the working class and block the development of class consciousness.
Until the DOJ’s filing on Monday, the US government held that it lacked the means to access the contents of the encrypted phone without the direct assistance of Apple engineers.
Plans for a renewed imperialist intervention in Libya have reached an advanced stage following the deployment of US and European special forces to the country in recent weeks.
The attack on the pensions of federal employees is a warning that no section of the working class is exempt from the social counterrevolution being carried out in the interests of the financial aristocracy.
Mass shootings have occurred in Kansas, Arizona and Washington state since six people were killed last week in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
The devastating attacks in Homs and Damascus came just hours after US Secretary of State John Kerry announced a tentative ceasefire, for the second time in two weeks.
The New York Times continues to play a filthy role, exploiting reports of starvation in the Syrian town of Madaya to push for the expansion of US military operations aimed at the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad.
A group of armed right-wing militia members, led by the sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, seized control of a building at a national wildlife refuge to protest restrictions on federal lands.
Trump’s ability to exploit grievances and popular anger for reactionary purposes is due above all to what passes for “left” in official American politics, exemplified by Obama, which has nothing but hostility and contempt for the working class.
The event at Wayne State University, which featured key players in the conspiracy to loot city workers’ pensions, was cut short in the face of repeated outbursts from the audience.
Under the pretext of a “war against ISIS,” Washington is embarking on open-ended ground combat operations in Iraq and Syria.
Among the chief warmongers are the New York Times’ Roger Cohen and the Washington Post’s Richard Cohen, who jumped at the opportunity to call for the massive expansion of US-led military intervention.
The Obama administration was quick to fix its stamp of approval on the conduct and outcome of Sunday's elections.
The leaks shed light on the bureaucratized activity of drone assassination and the disturbingly sanitized jargon that government officials use when killing targets.
Without any evidence to back up its claim, the Times has provocatively blamed Putin for shooting down the airplane last November.
In the face of widespread outrage over the police murder of the 12-year-old Cleveland boy last year, the police and the media have been working tirelessly to justify his shooting.
The killing of nine students in Oregon on Thursday is the latest in a wave of mass shootings that reflects something deeply dysfunctional in American society.
The bloodbath near Mocha was the deadliest civilian massacre so far in the assault backed by the United States.