Niles Niemuth

Niles Niemuth is managing editor of the WSWS and a member of the National Committee of the Socialist Equality Party in the United States. He was the Socialist Equality Party candidate for vice president in the 2016 US Presidential elections, and SEP candidate in the 2018 Michigan general elections.

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1 month after CUPW sellout, stage set for historic attacks on Canada Post workers

Even as contract talks resume and an Industrial Inquiry Commission is scheduled for its first hearings on the future of Canada Post on January 27 and 28, plans are well underway to gut jobs, degrade working conditions and transform the country’s postal service into a skeleton operation in the name of returning to profitability.

Niles Niemuth

The Los Angeles inferno: A historic crime of capitalism

The extent of the devastation—much of which has yet to be accounted for—is yet another criminal indictment of the capitalist ruling elite, which is fueling climate change and doing nothing to combat its ever greater impact on the world’s population in the name of profits, leaving poor and rich alike to deal with the consequences. 

Niles Niemuth

Liberal government intervenes to outlaw Canada Post strike

MacKinnon’s move is an attack not just on postal workers, but the entire working class. It marks the third time since August that the Liberal government, without even referring to a parliamentary vote, has arbitrarily robbed workers of their supposedly constitutionally protected right to strike.

Niles Niemuth

55,000 Canada Post workers walk off the job in nationwide strike

Workers across the country from St. John’s, Newfoundland, to Vancouver, British Columbia, took enthusiastically to picket lines outside their depots and workplaces, seeking to beat back demands for major concessions by the federally controlled Crown corporation.

Niles Niemuth

Why has CUPW refused to call a strike at Canada Post?

After a year of negotiations and more than one hundred bargaining sessions between CUPW and management, Canada Post workers are not any clearer as to if or when the union will authorize job action.

Niles Niemuth

Canada Post workers overwhelmingly authorize strike

Workers voted by over 95 percent to strike, making clear their determination to fight back after years of concessions and to resist the Crown corporation's plans to use AI and other new technologies to increase worker-exploitation.

Niles Niemuth