The Massachusetts governor is a willing enforcer of Trump’s policies, scapegoating migrants for petty crime while enacting policy changes that slash assistance for the most vulnerable members of the population, including both undocumented immigrants and US citizens experiencing homelessness.
The escalation in the courts must be responded in kind by expanding the struggle. Striking teachers should demand, instead of submitting to the districts’ stalling tactics and refusal to negotiate, that their strike be spread to the 117,000 members of the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) in districts across the state.
Teachers' strikes have begun in three districts on the North Shore of Massachusetts. Strikes began Friday, November 8, by about 800 educators in Beverly and 1,000 in Gloucester. Five hundred Marblehead teachers are set to strike beginning Tuesday, November 12.
Over 500 teachers and other workers have conducted a week-long strike in the face of an offensive by the Democratic Party-dominated state, the Woburn School Committee, Mayor Scott Galvin and the courts.
The right-wing witch-hunt of John Comaroff at Harvard University continued Tuesday with a stage-managed protest during his first class of the semester.
Educators in Haverhill remained on strike Thursday despite court injunctions and the union insisting that a settlement on wages had been reached Wednesday night.
Public schools in Haverhill and Malden, Massachusetts, were scheduled to remain closed Tuesday after teachers walked out Monday over failed contract negotiations.
Tenet Healthcare, the owner of St. Vincent hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts, where nurses struck for 10 months last year, is seeking to impose 12-hour shifts and force some nurses to work nights.
A petition by a high school student at Boston Latin School under the heading “Staying safe should be a right, not something that government dictates,” has gained over 3,000 signatures from students, educators and parents concerned over the rising number of COVID-19 cases.
As the strike by 700 nurses at Saint Vincent hospital in Worcester, MA approaches the six-month mark, Tenet management are offering sign-on bonuses as high as $10,000 to hire replacements.
As the strike by 700 nurses at Saint Vincent Hospital in Worcester approached the 150-day mark, the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) met with a federal mediator and Tenet management earlier this week to push for an agreement to end the strike.
Nurses across the country support the demands of Saint Vincent nurses for safe staffing ratios. Meanwhile, their union, parent union, and the Democratic party stump for legislation to increase the bureaucratization of labor, isolate the nurses, and force them to find supplemental income.
A letter signed by 100 faculty members at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology calls for the defense of Professor Gang Chen, whom the US government is prosecuting on charges of wire fraud and tax violations as part of its witchhunt against academics who collaborate with Chinese institutions.
Microsoft has released new software that turns its Office 365 product into a full-fledged workplace surveillance tool, allowing corporations to spy on their workforce in multiple ways.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the world, Facebook and its contractors are forcing content moderators to return to offices and risk their lives.
As COVID-19 spreads through nursing homes across New England, inspections reveal that two out of three Massachusetts facilities broke rules for preventing outbreaks.