Mike Ingram

Massachusetts: Democratic governor facilitates Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda

The Massachusetts governor is a willing enforcer of Trump’s policies, scapegoating migrants for petty crime while enacting policy changes that slash assistance for the most vulnerable members of the population, including both undocumented immigrants and US citizens experiencing homelessness.

Jay James, Mike Ingram

Teachers strike 3 districts on Massachusetts’ North Shore

Teachers' strikes have begun in three districts on the North Shore of Massachusetts. Strikes began Friday, November 8, by about 800 educators in Beverly and 1,000 in Gloucester. Five hundred Marblehead teachers are set to strike beginning Tuesday, November 12.

Mike Ingram, Kate Randall

MIT faculty defend professor against trumped-up charges related to China ties

A letter signed by 100 faculty members at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology calls for the defense of Professor Gang Chen, whom the US government is prosecuting on charges of wire fraud and tax violations as part of its witchhunt against academics who collaborate with Chinese institutions.

Mike Ingram